The most valuable by-product, according to dieticians, is the liver. But how much and how to cook the liver with beef, the most useful, alas the question sometimes leads to a stupor. Especially young housewives. This product is very delicate and with improper cooking your piece of liver can taste like a rubber boot.

The liver contains a lot of folic acid, necessary for the human body, and there are vitamins of group A, VS But, many people simply ignore beef liver for various reasons, someone does not like its smell when cooking, someone does not like it like its appearance in its raw form, and to some people it seems too rigid. And in vain!

It will be prepared shoulder, dewlap and at the end of the liver. Of course, we all have ingredients. The first time on a normal strainer, the second time on a "poppy". We cut the plums into small particles. The base of the paste is from 40 to 60% of the raw material. The smaller the meat, the more meat should be.

And my proportions of other ingredients are as follows. For 1 kilogram of cellulose should be taken 3-4 eggs, 1 onion, two small rolls - after the combination of ingredients about 1, 4 kg of pate. By adding an egg, you can separate the protein and add it as a foam - just like in some cakes. The broth that is left is poured during the mixing of the ingredients in such an amount that the consistency of the paste allows the free spoon to be poured into the shape of the cake. Mixing the pate is very important. This should lead to the creation of a very compact, compact, smooth mass.

This by-product is considered very useful for people having problems with the central nervous system and kidneys. And also beef liver is widely distributed in dietary nutrition and in Europe and in Asia.
  For young children, beef liver is an indispensable supplier of very rare vitamin D.
  With proper preparation, this dietary product turns out to be tender, soft and refined taste. It has a special fragrant aroma with the right selection of spices.

Literally, "pie, velvet." The so-called best forms of Teflon. 23 cm boxers. We lubricate the interior with oil, liquid fat or oil and sprinkle with a good cake. We fill the form up to 1 cm from the edge of the mold. Very good effect - bake in a large tin plate, but here you must have at least 3 kg of paste.

Since all the ingredients are thermally processed and ground, the pastes do not require excessive baking at excessive temperatures. Time depends on the number of patties in the oven. If this is clear, remove the foil and raise the temperature to 180 °. We are waiting for the brown skin. Do not allow excess pate to grow. We follow the rule: the pate is more moist, the slower it burns.

So, to make the beef liver turn out delicious and aromatic you need to decide how we will cook it? and do everything right. We now talk about some features of the preparation of beef liver.

How much to cook beef liver until ready

To the liver when cooked it turned out delicious and juicy, at the very beginning it must be properly prepared (prepared):

Browning of the surface of the paste is equivalent to partial drying. At the last stage of baking, you can also give a temperature only from the top of the oven. This is all a matter of the court. I have three pates. Pate must cool well. And we eat with dark bread and the addition of famous pears in vinegar.

There is a version borrowed a little from the French. The eyeless duck breast is cut into strips and unfolded about half the height of the pate when filling the mold. With the liver, you can also: cut feathers, burned onions, glaze with a spoon of butter and on it a liver that only took color from above.

  1. Soak the liver in very cold water for 15 minutes, and then put the product in warm water for exactly 10 minutes.
  2. After carefully making knifes cuts on the film, and without hurrying to separate the film from the liver itself.
  3. After removing the film, cut the liver into large pieces and check whether there are large vessels inside. If there is, then cut them out with a sharp knife.
  4. We take baking soda and thinly layer the pieces of liver in it to eliminate the bitterish natural smell of the beef liver.
  5. Leave the liver for an hour in soda lie on the cutting board.
  6. Then we put everything in enameled dishes, put it on the stove and boil it.

Some, to get rid of the bitterness, pour the liver with cold water or fresh milk and so let it get wet for an hour.

Pork liver - preparation for cooking

The liver is a valuable source of iron, B vitamins and several other nutrients. However, not only because of this, but also because of the taste value, it is worth presenting it in the menu. How to make a pig liver a successful dish? Before we begin to cook the liver, we will rinse it, pour it completely out of the water, and then remove the membranes and veins. If we want the liver to be exceptionally soft and tender to taste, we soak it for about two hours in milk, although this is not necessary. Then cut the liver into fairly thick, about 1, 5 cm slices.

Usually beef liver is cooked for 25-30 minutes (cut into small pieces). And if, you, cook the liver with a whole piece, then it should be cooked for about an hour (plus - minus 10-15 minutes). It is very easy to check the readiness of the liver, only it is necessary to remove it (or a slice) from the broth and pierce it with a fork. If the brown liquid flows out, we continue to cook, and if we see that the transparent broth is coming from the puncture, then everything, the liver is ready. That is, the liver is absolutely easy to cook.

An irreplaceable companion of the liver is the onion, so we take it one or two pieces and cut it into discs. The most popular way of cooking pork liver is to fry its saute on a small amount of fat in the company of the above bulb. Fry the onions with fat or gold oil, then remove from the frying pan. Liver lightly flour with flour and optional black pepper. We heat the fat well, then put the pieces of liver in a frying pan.

Pork liver is quickly fried, a few minutes on each side, until it lights up. If we keep him on fire for too long, it will be hard. The ideally cooked liver should be in the middle of pink and from the transparent brown. When you are ready, put the onion on a saucepan. After the frying process, salt the whole dish. If we want to give her clarity, we will replace her with a majorana.

But, many mistresses make a big mistake. They just want to make a soup based on transparent broth from beef liver. They are so tempted to fill carrots, onions, potatoes or vermicelli there, so the broth of beef liver looks great. But, to do this categorically it is not necessary, since the liver in the body has protective functions and has the property of accumulating harmful substances, toxins and other muck that have appeared in our broth at its cooking.

How to feed a pork liver?

Pork liver is served immediately after removal from the frying pan. We can serve him with potatoes or with bread. Do not forget about the plant supplements. Excellent, in terms of taste, mix with pickled cucumber liver. Cabbage will also be an excellent choice. In addition, we can give a liver with lettuce, cooked vegetables, pickled cucumbers or a favorite salad.

With all this external heat, you still have to bite something for lunch or dinner, on the jaw, when the stomach begins to wander "werewolves" of hunger. Carefully turn the grill, some vegetables and season salad. Put the fountain through the refrigerator and through the pantry to see how you can combine the ingredients.

How and how much to cook beef liver in microwave oven

If you have a multivarker, then your task is eased as much as possible. Prepare the liver, as described above, that is, cut, remove the film and soak it.

Then turn on the "Quenching" mode in the multivark and carefully place the finely chopped carrots and onions on the bottom of the apparatus. Remember that vegetables should not exceed 30% of the weight of the liver. Vegetables, and on it pieces of liver, fill it with water so that it covers the centimeter (minimum).

Some secrets about the preparation of the liver! Probably, it is known that not all of the liver is as tasty, even if it is well prepared. It can not be known that the liver of the intestine, but the fatty liver is thicker, should be cooked on a grill or in a pan without the addition of fat. Pork liver and beef liver are cooked most often by housewives, which are also the most affordable, although their taste is small, especially if it was prepared for a long time and dried up. There are secrets of cooking pork liver and liver of a cow, for example, on a box of fried onions, and then the resulting drug will no longer be atypical or too loud.

We put immediately on top sour cream at the rate of 100 gr. for 1 kg. liver. We take sour cream any, whether it's fat or not. Now close the lid of the multivark and extinguish for at least half an hour.

How much to cook liver for a child

Our children (especially small children) do not like the liver. If some adult uncles and aunts do not like the liver and especially its smell when cooking, then what can we say about our children. Therefore, it is necessary to mask her mothers under meat with various gravies, or to persuade children with various suggestions and jokes, to eat usefulness.

Regardless of the animal from which the liver was purchased, it must be prepared in a fiery fire. An essential secret of the taste of the preparation is the preparation of a fresh liver, possibly a chilled liver, and only if you do not have this liver, prepare the frozen melt liver at room temperature. Ingredients needed in the recipe: beef liver, cheese with mold, fresh oil, garlic, peeling salt, peppercorn, olive oil.

The liver is cleaned of any skin and blood vessels. Rinse with cold water and wipe with absorbent paper or a clean cloth. The secret of preparing the liver! The liver of the liver of a calf, through the whole piece of liver, was bought in thick slices of a finger. The old iron barbecue, on a large plate flame, warms up. Sprinkle some grains of salt in the grill.

Often, young moms are wondering, and how to cook beef liver for a child. In principle, there is nothing complicated or special, all the same as for adults, only there are two important nuances:

  1. Be sure to soak the liver in milk. This will kill her natural bitterness. This is the most important in the preparation of beef liver for baby food. At least half an hour, the beef liver should be in milk. And ideally 1 hour.
  2. Be sure to cook liver for children, independently in a multivark cook or in a simple saucepan, add finely chopped onions and carrots. This additionally gives the liver a sweetish pleasant taste and completely removes all odors that the child does not accept. Sometimes add a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of tomato paste. But, it's all individually. The goal is the same - remove all foreign smells for the child.

If, you, cook the beef liver for the baby in a saucepan with pieces, look to be soft. Usually 30 - 35 minutes is enough. If you are preparing a whole piece, then by the time you should be about an hour for complete readiness. We also check, as indicated above. If the transparent juice comes from the cut, the liver is ready. If not, then we finish it for a while.

Place the liver pieces on a well grilled grill, oil with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

It is aimed at maturation on liver pieces, and when done half way, they are returned using a kitchen knife.

The secret of cooking fried liver, a secret, always hidden by the chefs! Before you remove the liver from the grill, put the sliced ​​fresh oil bottle on the slices of the liver. At the end of the preparation of the liver, the oil will be melted and will weaken a part of the liver. Professional gourmets will definitely make a difference in the taste of the liver, which was not butter.

Cook the liver for salad

Cook the liver for a salad according to the instructions above. But, sometimes it can be 20-25 minutes, if the liver is cut very small pieces. I have my own special dish and when we meet with friends, I always treat them to them. The secret is that the finely chopped beef liver is cooked for about 22-25 minutes, and then it is for a small theroche with eggs, carrots. After filling with spices and mayonnaise. I still do not know the salad better, and for 15 years I have been enjoying this useful dish.

Ready-made pieces of liver, if necessary, seasoned with fresh pepper pepper grains and, if necessary, with a rough salt. Bread is fried in a frying pan. Slices of bread can be dipped with a few drops of olive oil and put in a tray in a hot plate oven.

Hot fried bread is rubbed with garlic cloves. What a taste, what a taste. On pieces of toasted bread, rubbed with garlic, lie thin slices of mold.

Serve hot, sliced ​​red beets and cucumber slices in the vinegar.

Gourmets around the table can ask for mustard, sweeter or sweeter, at the will of everyone. A respected housewife is always ready for anything that can be required when eating, when it comes to seasoning.

Some people ask me why they say that the liver is so quickly ready, is not it raw? I always laugh and answer that the liver needs to be cooked and not to digest it. It is very important! By the way, I still know how to make a wonderful pate from beef liver. For pie, the beef liver is cut and cooked according to the above instructions, there are just some recipe points for the preparation of pate. Carrots, onions and spices are added and something else. But, this is a completely different culinary story.

If the street is still hot, you can serve a glass of lemonade, chill. If the food is served in the evenings, in a cool, even beer, it is not too cold. Enjoy food you will be brothers and sisters, brothers and gastronomic gourmets all over the world, wherever you are in the world! And in the warmth you can cook delicacies, in your kitchen, as little as possible to stand around the fire.

The smoke, which spreads through the kitchen, passed through the rest of the house, but also in the lobby of the neighborhood, the neighbors were unhappy and unpleasant. Ingredients needed in the recipe: beef liver, pasta, tomato juice, oatmeal, mushrooms, basil leaves, salt and salt, pepper, garlic, olive oil.

The most popular meat in all world cuisines is beef - thanks to its useful trace elements and mild taste, but in order for the beef to be soft, it must be properly cooked.

Why beef? The recipe can also be made from liver pork or beef liver, but the liver will become slightly lighter and less tasty than the calf liver. In a pan with a handle, add cold water and boil. Add the hydrochloric acid powder when the water is boiling. The preferred paste is added to the boiling water. Boiling takes 1-2 minutes less than indicated in the package of pasta, or if it tries between the fingers, the paste is just soft.

Let's use frozen ingredients and some of our own medications from the fall! Olive oil is heated in a frying pan. Add 2 cloves of garlic, thin slices and slices. Heat the mixture until mushrooms and fatty pepper are thawed. Stir in a few boilies, stirring with a wooden spoon for homogenization.

It is a meat by-product, it is unique in its composition. The content of iron and vitamin A is the richest product. People with a lack of iron are encouraged to eat beef liver. In addition, it contains very little fat and carbohydrates.

And cook beef liver can be very quickly and easily. But unfortunately, the liver is such a product that one can not eat too much, since the cholesterol content in it is high, and this is very harmful for blood vessels.

When the sauce is slightly thickened, add a few basil leaves, sliced ​​more, for excellent taste. Not recommended! We want to eat healthier without adding flour or starch to thicken the sauce.

Heat the fat of the barbecue on a large plate flame. Shred the salt to everyone's taste. The cheeks of the liver are placed on a hot grill that begins to crack, and burning smoke invades the kitchen.

Still, the best way to make a liver is to cook: boiled food does not contain cholesterol, and many people are fried in general.

The main question remains: "How to cook beef liver?" To make it soft, first remove from it a thin film and immediately before cooking place in a container of milk, about half an hour or hour. Cook the liver in whole pieces of minutes 40-50, placing it in already boiling water. To it add onions and parsley, it is important not to digest. Stir and remove the resulting foam.

There are many recipes for which use is made of cooked beef liver, and here are some of them.

Carrot and hepatic salad

This is the easiest salad. For it you will need: medium carrots, beef liver - 400 g, and onion - for 1 small head, mayonnaise and vinegar - to taste. So, how to cook beef liver, we already know, welded, cut it with straw. Carrots were rubbed on a grater, preferably on a large one. The cooked beef liver was mixed with a carrot. The onion was also cut into strips and poured with vinegar, allowed to stand for 5 minutes and added to the salad. All poured with mayonnaise, we get in the way - and the salad is ready.

Liver "under the fur coat"

Ingredients for cooking:

  • beef liver - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs. the average sizes;
  • hard cheese - 100-150 g;
  • carrots - 3 small pieces;
  • egg - a couple of pieces;
  • onions - 1 medium pc .;
  • salt, garlic, mayonnaise, pepper.

How to cook beef liver, look above and do not forget to first soak it in milk to make it soft. Also boil the vegetables and eggs. Then fry the onions in a pan and add to it already sliced ​​liver, pepper and salt. On a small grater, grate the carrots and potatoes, and on the large grater, add the garlic. We pass the fried liver through a blender or a meat grinder. Three eggs. Proteins and yolks - separately. And the last: we collect salad on layers. Potatoes, liver, cheese, carrots, proteins, yolks. Each layer of salt and promazyvayut mayonnaise.

Salad "Delicious"

And here's another delicious recipe, it's called - "Delicious." We will need: beef liver, carrots and onions - half a kilogram, a pot of green peas, 5 eggs, salt and mayonnaise.

First we cook beef liver and cook eggs. Naturally, separately. We cut the liver into cubes. How to cook beef liver - we know, but now it can be slightly not to cook and fry in a pan. While the liver and eggs are cooked, three on a grater carrots and onions, fry in a pan, but not much, then add the liver there, fry in medium heat for about 5 minutes, stir everything. Then add sliced ​​eggs and peas, salt to taste and fill with mayonnaise, so our salad is ready.