I greet everyone on the pages of my blog. Birthday gives a feeling of happiness and joy, especially if it celebrates a five-year-old. Every year he becomes more mature and begins to realize that he is already big.

Many people face the problem of giving a child to a boy for 5 years? What does he prefer to do, and what are his favorite toys? These questions are not difficult to answer, because at this age they are driven by curiosity and the ability to show their imagination.

With moving parts - they are designed so that the child only pulls, opens or pushes to reveal a hidden picture. These actions certainly appeal to this age, given that children are interested in this movement. With objects and objects, characteristic of our culture and way of life, depicting their actions in a typical situation. The advantage of this type of product is that the focus is on linguistic and socially relevant information that children receive.

With the depicted causal relationships and relationships. Images in them represent a situation in action, for example, a child pushes his glass of milk, spills it and wraps his clothes and tablecloth, the investigation is that he goes to change clothes so that he is not wet, and put dirty clothes and lid in the washing machine and washed. This type of book provides an opportunity to comment on the situation, children can ask questions and receive additional information that is important for their intellectual and social development.

Any boyish games can not do without all sorts of techniques. Clippers, helicopters, airplanes, trains, ships develop in the child masculine qualities, making it independent and responsible.

During the game, the kid shows his wit, creating a story of the journey. Such models have always attracted the attention of boys, especially if the transport can be controlled by a remote control.

They are suitable for reaching the final age. Booklets for reading with a small text, it is best to rhyme. Games where objects are selected for a specific example: "Let's get all the cubes!" Or "We'll just throw the big balls into the basket!" And so on.

Games with body parts to learn their names and position, for example, the head is raised, and the lower ones are listed below on request and name the parts of the face and body of the other person and the doll. Ask questions during the game, related to current experience and reality at the moment, without thinking about verbal feedback, but rather pay attention to interest and interest in the prosecution. This can give us feedback with a gesture, a soundtrack, an imitation, etc.

The main thing is to approach the choice of toys responsibly, because it should please, and not upset. Management should be simple, so that a five-year-old child can manage himself and not ask for help from adults. The design is better to choose strong, because she will have to face walls and furniture many times.

Games and actions that include more information about the function of objects and objects from the environment - with this we support the decoding of the language and "give" the game "learn", in which the child does not have the proper objects for the game, imitating our activities. Provide information on how to solve the problem, step by step, briefly explaining. This is aimed at expanding the links between the actions taken and the results obtained on the one hand, and on the other - the provision of testing strategies in solving a similar problem.

Enter the role of "impotent" at the end of the period, allowing the child to cope alone and stay in the game with the feeling that he is necessary and able. Social games: Encourage the little person to imitate your behavior, taking care of a toy or doll - let it feed, turn, sleep and roll. These games develop with the time and maturation of their child, they allow them to enter other social roles.

In this case, a radio-controlled SUV will be an ideal option for a gift. The car can overcome all obstacles and climb any hill.

Lego constructors and puzzles

If the child is diligent and has a logical mindset, it becomes easier with a choice which toy to choose - the Lego designer. This is not only an exciting toy, but also useful.

The time between 12 and 24 months is a dynamic period with many changes and problems. Our role is to provide an opportunity for self-expression and play, as well as to be partners in common activities and "big", to sift through safe and purposeful actions. We often take part in protecting our children from dangers in the environment, and in this sense we are rather restrictive: "Do not go there, you will fall!", "Do not touch it, you will be dirty!" And so on. Thus, on the one hand, we deprive the stumbling block of the valuable sensory experience that he needs, and on the other hand, we take away his initiative and send a message: "You do everything you do not need."

Of the many details, children will be able to lay down a huge house, pirate ship, car refueling and populate the city with interesting characters. The designer develops the fine motor skills of the hands, which is necessary for kids at this young age.

Many preschoolers can sit for hours to make puzzles. For boys of five years, pictures are suitable, where fragments of not more than 200 and with such subjects as transport, animals and cartoon characters.

It is a fact that security compromises should not be there, how we are connected to each other as adults, but it is important to provide access to the environment in which the child tries different behavior and to monitor its consequences, instead we get it to tell him to stop and what will follow This is the period when the stubs should look for textures, textures and textures of the CII hands to try different engine models in the game to try different strategies to solve the problem. - if we give them such an opportunity to grow confident, curious and calm children. The second year is the time in which they want to be more independent. a very important aspect of social development is an ever more persistent attempt to eat it only.

Sports Equipment

Children, especially active, need somewhere to put their energy. Therefore, a bicycle, skates or scooter will be an indispensable gift for non-sitting. The boy can spend more time on the street, especially children's transport instills love for sports.

Yes, this skill is an indicator of the level of autonomy, but do not forget that food as a process of communication and communication. A small man imitates the behavior of adults on the table, because he wants to participate in this process. Therefore, we should not isolate the child from eating and taking pure children's purees. If mechanisms are not established, orofacial dysfunction, it can take a calmly heterogeneous formula, and at the end of the period and in adults without strong spices. Let him try his dishes, praise him for the way he only eats, although he himself dies and everything around, let him touch and smell food.

Do not be afraid of minor injuries and bruises, because the baby will be happy. In order to provide the child with everything necessary, accessories in the form of knee pads and a helmet will not be superfluous.

You can also look at the inflatable pad or trampoline, but only if there is a place to install them.

No less successful gift will be sports equipment, but the chosen sport should match the nature of the child. Moreover, with such a present you can play not only yourself, but also with your friends. These are tennis rackets, football and basketballs, air hockey or ping-pong.

If the stalker is ready, let him take off his shoes and socks, put on shoes to others, to help him in accordance with his abilities in internal activities, actively participating in them. The game is the most powerful tool for developing sensory integration for the second year, as well as the engine, language, speech and emotional abilities of the child. When the game becomes understandable and takes a long time, it becomes something that it will do more and more to extend the time it remains in this activity and extract information from it.

Little Einsteins and Spies

Many children at the age of five are fond of science and experiments. Now sold a huge number of toys, where you want to create a crystal or a volcano with leaking lava. The main thing when buying is to learn about the possible age limitations of the game.

Because, some of them are designed for 6 years and older. An excellent choice is a microscope, which will help your child to know the world even better. In this curious age, such gifts will cause delight in the younger generation.

How the game supports child development in the first year, which you can read in this article. Read more about Milena: Graduated from the bachelor's degree at the University of St. Clement of Ohrid and a master's degree from the New Bulgarian University. As a student, she worked in a specialized hospital for the treatment and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy "Hagia Sophia", assistant professor Ivan Chavdarov.

If you are not emotionally strong, you may not be able to cope with your child's tricks, whims and hysteria. Children are angels, but sometimes they lose control over their emotions. This often happens, and parents can not allow their children to experience hysteria.

But the telescope will introduce the child to the amazing world of stars and planets. If children play together, but it's worth thinking about buying a science lab, where everyone will find something to do to taste. At five years old, any boy will be happy at least for a while becoming a secret agent.

Childhood is not an easy thing. Step by step, children explore this world and learn to react to everything new and unusual. They need time to get used to life, people, relationships and rules. Psychologists say with confidence that children aged 2 to 5 years have a very vulnerable and unstable psyche.

During hysterics, children are just as unreasonable and unpredictable as an earthquake. Do not believe people who say that parents can do something about children's attacks and bad moods. Patience, will, wisdom and emotional stability must be your first priority. These qualities give parents the opportunity to remain calm during stress and never be completely under the control of their children.

But each spy has a set of unique tricks designed to catch the villains. It can be a wristwatch with an explosive mechanism, night vision goggles or special three-dimensional binoculars. But what self-respecting agent will go into reconnaissance without weapons?

Development of creative potential

Many boys show interest in art, making appliqués and drawing bright drawings. Kits for creativity help the kid to show his imagination and to realize all the paper conceived on the sheet or using the material.

Some families can win and get rid of their child's hysteria in a very short period of time. Others face this terrible behavioral disorder for many years. There are no magic tablets or sweets. Parents are the only ones who can cope with this troubled and delicate problem. The atmosphere in the family strongly influences the mood and forms the behavioral habits of the child.

Preventing emotional outbreaks

Children are small, but already smart people who usually use this problem. They often start hysterically reaching the desired goals, regardless of everything. As a parent, you have a close emotional relationship with your child. You are the only one who can feel their emotions and understand almost all behavioral reactions. Each mother has the opportunity to monitor her children and analyze everything they say and do. If you see that your child is lazy, you should be ready to take immediate action to prevent crying.

A child develops much faster if one approaches the creation of a masterpiece in different ways. Such a picture will be inexpensive, because it can be made from mosaic, plasticine, colored sand, pieces of carpet or other fabric.

Kits for drawing contribute to the development of fine motor skills, which is very important for preschoolers and imagination. Such a package most often includes:

Try to notice the strange gestures and the puzzled expression on the child's face. All these signs indicate that something bad will happen. How can you do this? You must redirect your attention to other activities or something that excites them and can make them happy. Show them something beautiful and attractive. In addition, you can include them in an interesting game. Keep in mind that your categorical refusal to do anything will only strengthen the problem. Diplomatic skills will help you find an alternative solution.

Sometimes children prefer to pretend and raise anxiety with their parents. They are small and defenseless, but their character is a very dangerous weapon. Emotional extortion and pressure are the best strategies for manipulation. This does not mean that all children are manipulative, cunning and insidious.

  1. colored crayons;
  2. oil paints;
  3. gouache or watercolor;
  4. markers and pencils;
  5. paper coloring.

Board games for two

Some babies do not like to spend time themselves, but prefer a company of friends or relatives. In this case, table games are indispensable. Now they can be purchased at any store with children's products.

What to do? When your child tries to find empathy, you should never give up, or at least not so easily. Let them understand that you will never follow their tastes. The usual trick of the child is to behave hysterically and be ashamed of your parents before other people.

Help the child understand their feelings

Each parent is also a teacher and role model for their children. The overwhelming and emotional confrontation are not goals, but tools that help parents grow up healthy and intelligent people. Very often, children can not understand what is happening to them. They have so many feelings and emotional states. Today, even adults can not learn their thoughts and emotions.

The variety of plots, cards, chips will not leave indifferent any boy. Many manufacturers make games with their favorite characters from cartoons and superheroes. For five years old, elementary toys are sold with simple rules, where the child will learn to be attentive, and become more plodding.

If you did not buy them something attractive in the store, you should be ready for a conflict. A little later, try to explain to your dear child that it is impossible to buy all the toys and make all the dreams at the same time. Tell them that negative emotions are harmful and meaningless.

Forget about physical punishment

As soon as the children learn to control the senses and accept this reality, they will become more reserved and obedient. This is the method of the old school of upbringing and not the best way to cope with the bad character of the child. After all, punishment is very painful and offensive. This strategy is the easiest way to instill discipline and make your child obedient. But every medal has a dark side. Psychologists say that physical punishment is a dangerous time bomb, which can lead to serious hysteria.

Themed Toys

Boys of five years, no doubt, watch animated films and serials. Children at this age have favorite characters, considering them their idols. Gifts with a certain theme will make the child happy. You can buy a big soft toy, with which he can sleep or even complain to her.

This video I shot recently, see how my son communicates with a talking hamster.

A set consisting of several characters, will develop the horizon and sense of perception of the baby. The boy can fantasize and play different situations. Also such sets are presented and on other topics like dinosaurs, cars, animals, soldiers, etc.

The living space against interactive devices

Boys at the age of five are very attached to animals and dream of having a pet. Often children refuse expensive gifts in favor of a small dog, a seal or a guinea pig.

But before   all the same it is necessary to discuss this with the parents of the baby, who will have to look after him. If such a purchase is impossible, then a living animal can always be replaced by an electronic one.

Overstepped the mark in five years, the children begin to actively prepare for the school and the question of which gift to buy becomes relevant. Therefore, interactive statue gifts are more useful than ever. That only there is a training computer or a tablet with which the kid will learn letters, numbers, colors, etc.

Boys like technology and science, so pay special attention to the kits with micro-robots, electronic communicator or children's organizer.

Space robots will certainly become part of the game, where the main characters will be aliens and warrior-winner.

Every child loves surprises and any of the gifts he takes with pleasure. For additional information and ideas, you can visit the forum, where moms will give advice on choosing a toy for her child. The main thing is that the baby should be happy and happy with his fifth birthday.

Tell us about what gift you decided to give you to your 5-year-old child. Do not forget to put the likes and subscribe to update the blog.

Sincerely, Natalia Krasnova.

Perhaps there is nothing more fun and more pleasant than a child's birthday. And what should adults do to make the holiday come to fame and the birthday boy was satisfied? That's right, you need to pick up good gifts for your baby!
  If you are facing a task at the moment, what to give a boy 5 years old, then you have come exactly to the address: Super Helper knows all about the preferences of children and is ready to find the best options, including, for a five-year-old boy.

Determining with the choice of a gift for a boy for 5 years, keep in mind that in the first place should be gifts to children, and not parents! Try to take into account the interests and wishes of the originator of the celebration as much as possible. How to do it - let's show an example.

All the boys love speed and adventure. Therefore, as a gift, various vehicles perfectly suit:
  · A bicycle (by the age of 5, as a rule, it's time to change it);
  · Kick scooter;
  · (For children from 5 years old models are different, different from models for babies).

SuperHelper hastens to open one secret to you: the "bicycle" theme in children's gifts can be developed, probably, indefinitely. Even if you do not see the child's need for a new bike, do not go past specialized stores, because they can find many original accessories that can also be a wonderful gift for the child! And these accessories can be for a children's bicycle, and for an adult. Among the latter there are numerous adaptations that will make possible long distance trips of children and parents.

What to give a boy for 5 years - "velopodarka":
  · Bicycle trailer (for bicycle parents);
  · Children's cycling seats;
  · A cover on a seat of a children's bicycle;
  · Children's bicycle helmet and gloves;
  · Original children's horns, bells, LED lights and other attributes, which is simply of great interest to small boys.

Sometimes, in order to correctly decide what to give to a child, one must be guided by the advice of teachers and psychologists. In their opinion, for five-year-old children, objects imitating "adult" things and acquainting children with "adult" activities become very useful gifts. Therefore, you definitely will not make a mistake by choosing a five-year-old boy for different sets of games. This, for example:
· ;
  · Folding workbench;
  · Refueling;
  · road signs.

Boys in 5 years really like different "spy things. Therefore, take the trouble to look for interesting electronic and optical toys for the child on this topic:
  · night-vision device;
  · Spy 3D binoculars;
· ;
  · Glasses with a rear view.

Good gifts for children on their birthday involve gay and active games. If you are willing to spend quite a lot of money on buying a birthday present for a birthday person and, at the same time, they are sure that there will be enough space for placing large-sized objects at your home or at the dacha, then you can recommend to you:
  · Trampoline (always with a grid);
· ;
  · A children's playground or even a whole town.

We hope you have made sure that choosing a gift for a boy for 5 years is not such a difficult task if you look for her solution to the site! Give children gifts more often, so you make kids more happy!

Here you can see the full TOP-list of all ideas .