Hello, dear readers. Now in all the parks and gardens ripe apricots. And I wanted to tell you about apricot, useful properties of apricot, as well as contraindications, we will consider. We have a freak apricot this year, full of apricots.
  The nature has appeared to us very favorable. They are now both on the tree and under each tree a lot. Yesterday, they poured the floor on an apricot bucket, boiled compote and dried it out. I really like to add them to the winter in Uzvar. Still need to dry apples and wild pears. Just with wild pears, they are called “wild” by the people “uzvar” in general, the most delicious is obtained. So even just at a temperature you can boil a compote of dried apricots and drink during the day, the temperature is very good.

Although the drying process worsens the content of fruits in water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamins, such as vitamin C, other nutrients become more concentrated. Consequently, dried apricots and prunes provide a higher level of most nutrients, ounces per ounce, than their fresh counterparts.

Prunes and dried apricots are excellent sources of dietary fiber. They are particularly rich in soluble fiber, which dissolves in a gel-like substance and binds to fatty acids in order to stimulate their release in the waste. This is the quality that gives soluble fiber the ability to reduce total cholesterol. Both dried fruits also provide a significant amount of soluble fiber, which contributes to a healthy intestine, adding mass to the stool and moving material through the digestive tract faster.

Let's look at what is so useful apricot?

Apricot. Beneficial features

  • Apricot has a very high taste and well satisfy hunger.
  • Apricot contains such vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, PP, as well as iodine, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, manganese, potassium.
  • Apricot contains malic, tartaric, salicylic acid.
  • Apricot is a natural laxative, due to the fact that it contains a lot of fiber.
  • Apricot normalizes metabolic processes occurring in organisms.
  • Apricot fruits contain a lot of iron, so apricots are extremely useful for anemia. Increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. And what products still increase hemoglobin can be found in my article.
  • A compote made from apricot is an excellent antipyretic.
  • It also helps to quench your thirst.
  • There is a lot of potassium in apricots, therefore apricot is extremely useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Apricots are extremely useful for children, as they strengthen their health.
  • Apricots are indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Apricots improve gallbladder and liver function.
  • Apricots increase mental performance, as well as attention and memory.
  • Apricots are useful for the nervous system.

Calorie apricot.

While fresh apricots and plums are rich in potassium, dried apricots and prunes contain even higher quantities. In combination with sodium, potassium regulates the balance of intracellular and extracellular water levels. Dietary potassium is also needed to maintain healthy blood pressure, and inadequate potassium intake is associated with an increased risk of hypertension. The average American diet is low in potassium. As a result, most Americans will benefit by including prunes or dried apricots in their diets.

Fresh plums and apricots provide a small amount of iron, but prunes and dried apricots are more important sources. Like all iron-containing products of plant origin, the type supplied by dried fruit is known as heme-free cast iron. This type of iron is not as easily absorbed as heme iron, the type found in animal meat. A diet that contains large amounts of iron-rich foods helps prevent iron deficiency anemia, which is the most common disorder in the world, according to the World Health Organization.

  1. Apricots contain only 40 cocoa per 100 grams of product.
  2. And dried apricots contain 230 kcal per 100 grams.

Apricot. Treatment

Apricots are very useful for people who have taken diuretic drugs for a long time, because of their potassium content, but apricots should be consumed regularly. 5-6 pieces per day. You can also drink apricot juice for half a glass per day. And in winter, eat dried apricots enough to eat 10-12 pieces per day.

Half a cup of prunes contains 5 percent of the daily iron intake, while a portion of dried apricots of the same size is almost 10 percent. Prunes and dried apricots are also high in carotenoids and other powerful antioxidant phytonutrients. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant and is essential for cell growth, immune system functioning and eye health.

Apricots are sweet and tender aroma, as well as their impressive content in nutrients make them a worthy addition to your diet: they bring useful vitamin A, and also provide a significant amount of vitamin C, potassium, copper and manganese. In addition, Apricots can help satisfy your sweet tooth without destroying blood sugar levels, unlike sweets containing sugar and processed carbohydrates. Apricots have a low glycemic index and nutrient levels that help them regulate blood sugar levels.

With constipation, the fruits of apricot and apricot juice have a good result. Enough to eat 100 grams of apricot a day will provide you with a regular "chair".

For anemia, be sure to include fresh apricots in your diet. Of course, they very quickly "move away", but nevertheless in the apricot season, try to eat them fresh. 100 grams of fresh apricot is equivalent to 200 grams of liver.

This means that both fresh and dried apricots have a lasting effect on your blood sugar after a meal, compared to foods with a high glycemic index that cause blood sugar jumps after a meal. Eating foods with a low glycemic index is important for your health if you have problems regulating blood sugar levels, which makes fresh or dried apricots a great addition to a diabetic diet.

Dietary fiber slows digestion to control the release of sugar into your bloodstream, and this improves your body's ability to respond to insulin, which helps to further control blood sugar levels. A cup of chopped fresh apricot contains 3 grams of dietary fiber, and half - chicken from dried apricots boasts 7 grams. Each serving of dried apricots provides 18 percent of the daily fiber requirements for women and 12 percent for men established by the Institute of Medicine.

Scientists have proved that apricot protects our body from stomach cancer.

Apricots should be included in the diet of people with vitamin deficiency, with poor nutrition. Apricot also cleanses our body from toxins and toxins.

Apricots, as well as dried apricots are extremely useful for cardiovascular diseases, as apricots contain a lot of potassium. 200 grams of apricots every day should be eaten with, as well as with constipation. If there is no fresh apricot, you can eat 200 grams of dried apricots a day.

Vitamin E, found in fresh and dried apricots, also affects their effect on blood sugar levels for some people. Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant, and a diet rich in antioxidants helps improve blood sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes, explains the University of Maryland Medical Center. Consuming half a cup of dried apricots increases vitamin E intake by 8 milligrams and provides 19 percent of the daily intake recommended by the Institute of Medicine.

A cup of freshly chopped apricots contains 5 milligrams of vitamin E or 10 percent of the recommended daily intake. Dried apricots make snacks, consumed by themselves, and work well with nuts and seeds for a homemade cane mixture, and shredded dried apricots make nice additions to salads. Try combining quinoa, chopped dried apricots, green onions, fresh mint, and orange juice vinaigrette for a high fiber salad that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Are the kernels apricot edible?

There is a lot of controversy around this topic. Some claim that the kernels are poisonous, others that the kernels are edible. In scientific terms, the nuclei contain amino acids, methionine, tyrosine, arginine, leucine. Use the kernel of seeds with bronchitis, tracheitis, and as a soothing throat when coughing. In general, I will not describe all the virtues of apricot kernels, but I will tell from personal experience. I have personally eaten kernels since childhood, I ate a lot of them, with handfuls. But the truth is the aunt was not happy with this. She said that the apricot kernels can be eaten, in no case should the apricot kernels of the cradle be eaten, because they contain large quantities of hydrocyanic acid. Aunty's stones just dried, and then we ate them. We ate a lot of them, but not often, at home we did not dare after one story.

Consume fresh apricots by themselves or use thinly sliced ​​apricots and all-natural almond butter for whole-grain toast for a healthy breakfast. Apricots are beautifully orange fruits, filled with beta-carotene and fiber, which are one of the first signs of summer. Any fresh fruit that you see in the winter months was imported from South America or New Zealand.

Benefits for brain activity

Relatives of peaches, apricots are small, golden-orange fruits, with velvety skin and flesh, not too juicy, but definitely smooth and sweet. Some describe their scent as almost musky, with a weak tartness, which lies somewhere between peach and plum.

Aunt told us one enlightening story about bones. The fact is that in Mariupol in those distant times, when he was called Zhdanov in my opinion, the bones ate almost everything. There, in almost every yard, apricots grew near each entrance. And once some people came to rest on the sea, Mariupol used to be a resort city, now I would not advise swimming there, they saw that everyone was eating apricot kernels, they were told how useful they were, they even gave it a try. And they decided the whole family, too, to feast on the cores. We went to a wild cram and gathered up wild apricots there, and the whole family ate a lot of wild apricots. The result, the whole family did not return home, but rather returned already in a horizontal position. Therefore, my aunt always said that if you are not sure that it is apricot, then it is better not to eat the bones. Not everyone will be able to distinguish between a poker and an apricot. Apricot kernels taste sweetish and bitter.

Apricots are rich in many antioxidants of plants. Some of them - vitamin antioxidants, so familiar to ordinary users of this site. Others are harder to get from other foods and may be responsible for specific health benefits. In general, consider apricot to be an excellent food that provides you with the protective effects of antioxidants, adding very few calories to your daily total.

Apricots Protection against free radical damage

Apricots contain a number of powerful antioxidants. The health benefits associated with each are multiple and well documented. Apricots are also rich in other antioxidants, including polyphenolic antioxidants, such as flavonoids. Diets rich in flavonoids and other types of polyphenols found in apricots are associated with a reduction in heart disease in humans, as well as other potential health benefits.

Apricot. Contraindications

Apricot can not be eaten with diabetes, as apricot contains a lot of sugar in its composition.

  • If you are hypersensitive or allergic to the product.
  • A large number of seeds are not recommended for use, since they form hydrocyanic acid when they enter the intestine. For therapeutic purposes, they can be consumed no more than 20 grams per day.

Apricot fruits are made from jam, juice, stewed fruit, and apricots are frozen. Unfortunately, their shelf life is very limited. Apricot spoils quickly. In the fridge, whole apricots can last for 5 days. Parents always cook a lot of apricot jam, compote, then in winter mom bakes delicious cakes and pies with apricot jam. And also from the apricot mother makes tincture, it turns out very tasty. I will tell you about the tincture in one of the following articles, while the apricots have not yet moved.

Treatment of damaged skin

Antioxidants are responsible for some of the specific effects listed below, but this will only scratch the surface of the potential health benefits of diets rich in these important nutrients. Here are some important antioxidant nutrients or nutrient groups found in apricots.

Apricots can protect your eyesight.

Apricots are rich in carotenoids and xanthophylls, nutrients that researchers believe can help protect your eyesight from damage associated with aging. To give an example of how this works, one of these nutrients seems to be able to protect the retina — the part of the eye that picks up a visual image from the environment — from damage caused by blue light.

Apricot, useful properties, as well as treatment and contraindications are now known to you. Eat apricots and be healthy.

What is useful apricots? This question worries different people, especially when these delicate velvety yellow fruits fall on the table. Let's look at the beneficial properties of apricots.

In addition, researchers associate regular consumption of fruits with a lower risk of vision loss during aging. This advantage can be found in people who eat three or more servings of fruit every day. Three servings of fruit may sound like a lot to eat every day, but simply by eating apricots, throwing a banana in your morning cocktail and drinking a cup of yogurt or a green salad with a half cup of berries, you have achieved this goal.

Apricots can protect against inflammation

Apricots are a strong dietary source of catechins, a broad family of flavonoid phytonutrients. One apricot will give you 4-5 grams of catechins. These phytonutrients are powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients, and researchers have extensively studied their health effects. Researchers have found that catechins can inhibit the activity of an enzyme called cyclooxygenase-2, one of the critical stages of the inflammation process.

Apricots for heart and vessels

The frequent use of apricots is an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, including the most severe. Also, apricots help strengthen the muscle. Moreover, these fruits are often prescribed by cardiologists to treat various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Most of these studies on catechin preparations are related to research, not people. But we have seen human studies in which catechin-rich diets, not apricots, but from other catechin-rich foods, such as tea or cocoa, have led to significant beneficial changes. For example, several studies have shown that catechin-rich foods can protect blood vessels from damage due to inflammation, which leads to better blood pressure control.

Other health benefits of apricots

Apricots are a good source of dietary fiber. This total fiber content should be beneficial for most people who support the health of the digestive tract. In the total dietary fiber obtained by apricots, about half consists of soluble fibers. Soluble fibers are one type of fiber that can help control blood cholesterol levels.

How are apricots for blood useful?

That apricots can normalize the level of iron in the blood, and, consequently, increase hemoglobin. Apricots are often prescribed to treat anemia and other diseases of the circulatory system. Thanks to him, the general condition of the body improves, forces appear, and mood stabilizes.

In addition, apricots perform a cleansing function. They expel toxins from the body. It is apricots normalize cholesterol.

Apricots are small, golden-orange fruits, with velvety skin and flesh: not too juicy, but definitely smooth and sweet. Their aroma is almost musky, with a weak tartness, which is more pronounced when the fruit is dried. Some people think that the aroma is somewhere between the peach and the plum, the fruits with which they are closely related.

The climate there is ideal for the cultivation of apricots, and apricots in the United States are grown mainly in sunny California gardens. Apricots use fresh fruit, but are also dried, cooked in cookies, and eaten as jam. The fruits are also distilled in brandy and liqueur. Pit essential oil is sold commercially in the form of bitter almond oil. Turkey, Italy, Russia, Spain, Greece, USA and France are the leading producers of apricots.

Apricots during pregnancy and for recovery

One of the most pleasant events of the summer - the appearance of juicy apricots on the shelves)

Apricots are worth eating to maintain the body during unusual periods, for example, during pregnancy and during the period of recovery or recovery from operations. Thanks to these fruits, the body is better protected, faster recover. And the crumb is formed correctly and in a timely manner.

Almost all fruits are good for the skin. And apricots are no exception! With regular use, they nourish and protect the skin from the inside.

Useful properties for the nervous system

Apricots are one of the best sedatives. They quickly relieve tension and mild anxiety, help maintain strength and vigor during difficult periods (sessions, long work). In addition, apricots help to cope with insomnia and improve the quality of sleep.

Apricots for the prevention of tumors

The frequent use of apricots is an excellent prevention of cancer. It is also possible that oncologists may advise patients to include apricots in the treatment menu.

How are apricots for immunity useful?

In the summer, apricots become a daily ration, and this is a huge benefit!

Apricots remarkably improve the protective functions of the body. Therefore, in the harvest season of these fruits is to take care of immunity, at least a few months in advance. After all, summer is given to us in order to accumulate the safety factor and resistance of the organism to diseases for the long winter. In a word - enjoy while you can!

In addition, due to the rich set of vitamins in these fruits, the body functions better.

Benefits for brain activity

You'd be surprised, but these juicy fruits are very useful for the brain, often irreplaceable. They increase its activity, accelerate thinking processes, improve memory. Not surprisingly, apricots are often present in the diet of knowledge workers.

Useful properties of apricots for digestion

Yellow fruit normalizes metabolism and helps food digest better. Therefore, with regular use, the digestion process is greatly improved.

Why for women? Because in this paragraph we will discuss the preservation of youth and beauty. If a man also thinks about maintaining attractiveness, welcome!

So, let's talk about the skin. Almost all fruits are good for her. And apricots are no exception! With regular use, they nourish and protect the skin from the inside. You can also make excellent masks from apricot, which improve the appearance of the skin. And crushed apricot bones are an excellent scrub for deep cleansing of the cover.

Useful properties to maintain vision

Despite its beneficial properties, apricots have many contraindications!

Despite the fact that blueberry is considered to be the leader in microelement for maintaining vision, regular use of apricots also improves the functioning of the eye muscles, and, consequently, supports normal visual acuity. Especially these fruits are useful for children born with a visual impairment.

So, if blueberries are exotic in your latitudes, pay attention to apricots. In our age of laptops and VKontakte, the problem of preserving visual acuity is acute for a large percentage of people. Take care of your eyes as a prevention!

Contraindications to the use of apricots

Apricots do not belong to the category of exotic fruits and in the “hot season” they can be bought anywhere in the country. Both adults and kids love them. But at the same time, the fruit belongs to the category of “heavy” food for people suffering from a certain list of diagnoses. Do not ignore it and remember!

Apricots can not be eaten:

  • people suffering from diabetes;
  • in chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • in case of renal failure;
  • under reduced pressure.

Everyone loves apricot preserves and jams!

We found out how useful apricots are, and as a summary we can say that these fruits really should be present in the diet of most people. Numerous useful properties of apricots deserve your attention. Be healthy and beautiful!