Everyone knows that raw food diet is a special system of nutrition, based on exclusion from the diet of food that has undergone heat treatment. But few people think about what they can drink. What teas, coffee, juices and other drinks are in raw food, let's understand what can be consumed.

Raw foods: teas

Regular tea purchased in a supermarket is not suitable for raw foodists, since it is thermally processed before packaging. Tea they drink is sunny, because what is boiled boiling water for them does not fit.

How not cool, but they eat syroeda tea, but not the kind that most of the population drinks. They collect certain herbs, dry them and brew them with solar energy.. That is why this tea is called sunny.

For raw food makers, tea is considered to be water at room temperature, which is infused with previously harvested herbs. If this grass is poured with water in the evening, then in the morning you can get a pleasant drink, which can be called tea. And if you add a spoonful of honey, then the taste of this tea will surprise not only raw foodists.

In addition to the taste this drink is useful. It saturates the body with a mass of vitamins, because they make it from self-collected herbs.

Recipe for raw food tea:

We take a pinch of collecting any herbs (mint, lemon balm, chamomile, thyme, hawthorn, etc.), pour a couple of rosehip berries with 1 liter of water. We put in the sun for 3-5 hours. During this time, the water in the sun warms up to about 40 degrees, all useful material   fall into it. This tea can be drunk to strengthen the immune system.

Coffee - is it possible?

Coffee is a caffeine that can cause addiction. A dependent person always needs an increased dose of caffeine and cannot cope with the desire to drink another cup. In addition, coffee washes calcium out of the body, and raw foodists so difficult to obtain the necessary daily intake of calcium. Many coffee fans after the decision to become raw foodists should say goodbye to coffee, and yet this habit is not easy to give up.

And all this is because, in coffee, “bad” caffeine stimulates the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). What should they do and is there an alternative? As smart people say, there are always alternatives. For example, you can find healthy coffee, that is, made from herbs. Very relevant chicory drinks, they repeat the taste of coffee and if absolutely you can not refuse a cup of coffee in the mornings, then try replacing it with a cup of a drink with chicory brewed in a sunny way.

Recipe for raw food coffee:

To make a prepared drink like coffee, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of Echinacea with a dried mug of water (200 - 250 ml). Repeat the steps described in the preparation of tea. This cafe is very similar to the bitter taste of natural coffee.

Kvass - way out

There is a perception that people who have sat down on raw food use only raw water and all sorts of freshly squeezed juices. But no, there is another very popular drink, which came to taste raw foodists - this is kvass.

Kvass was made slovyane in Russia more than a thousand years ago. After all, there is nothing difficult in this, the basis for its manufacture is simple water, which ferments due to certain components added to it. Everyone knows that kvass comes from rye bread, from flour and malt, from beets, fruits and berries, but many cabbage kvass probably did not hear.

For cooking cabbage kvass   use the usual white cabbage. It is ground, poured with water and waited for it to ferment. From this fermenting mass in the end it turns out delicious cabbage kvass, which can and even should be eaten by raw foodists.

This cabbage miracle contains so many useful vitamins and microelements that it never dreamed of the usual purchased kvass. It has a pleasant taste, a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism. Such cabbage drink   quenches thirst, thanks to the sourness, and energizes the entire body, while promoting digestion of food.

For those raw foodists who want to diversify their drinking ration cabbage kvass will be a tasty and useful discovery.

Recipe for cabbage kvass for raw foodists:

Chop the cabbage half in a blender and transfer the resulting mass to 3 liter jar, there add 1 tablespoon of minced sauerkraut   and pour water over the hangers. More can not pour, because kvass need somewhere to wander. We put the jar in a warm place for a week. After a week of waiting, we filter and enjoy the most delicious kvass from cabbage. The remaining cake can be used for the next batch as a starter, instead of sauerkraut.

Old friend - smoothies

Healthy food and smoothies go hand in hand since 1960. It is a smoothie is an integral part of the diet of people involved in proper nutrition, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Raw foodists are no exception and with pleasure indulge themselves with a thick drink of berries, fruits, vegetables, milk or juice. In such a drink, or better to say, “a glass of food” contains a lot of vitamins and antioxidants, so a smoothie gives a large number of   energy per day.
  In addition to the health benefits of its pleasant to use, because you can make it any color., Thick or liquid. You can serve in beautiful glasses and decorate with tubes, umbrellas and pieces of fruit.

And of course, the smoothie helps out - a raw foodist needs to consume a large amount of greens every day, and chewing it just like that is not enough fun. But to drink it in a tasty cocktail is another matter.!

Recipe for green smoothies for raw foodists:

We take 60 percent of any fruit and 40 percent of green. It is this proportion that is considered ideal because the fruit interrupts the aroma of greenery, and the sweetness of the fruit will balance the greenery. The body gets the maximum effect, and you enjoy a tasty drink.

We have a whole section of various, the most delicious and healthy, which will delight not only raw foodists!

In conclusion about the sad

Raw food is nice, but for the life and recreation of new cells, our body requires protein. Thanks to him, all the tissues of the human body are rebuilt. The daily protein norm should be 5% of the total number of "eaten" calories. Fruits contain about 5% protein, in vegetables it is from 20% to 50%. It should be borne in mind that not all proteins are found in plant products, some of them are indispensable and are not synthesized by the human body. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what syroedy eat and drink, their body loses some of the necessary nutrients.

Cabbage Kvass   October 21st, 2013

So, by popular demand, first of all publish the recipe of the famous cabbage kvass.

What is useful kvass very well told here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4 rfJTqskc4 # t = 10, as in brief and about raw food in general.

Let's get started

For the preparation of my famous cabbage kvass we need. Cabbage ... and nothing else. If in a nutshell, the fermentation takes place due to bacteria that live on cabbage leaves, so nothing needs to be added, although of course you can, if you really want to.

I like most of the big white flatheads. Although, in the summer, I easily kvass and quite small greens, and they also turned out very tasty, the main thing is to wait, and not to remove the cabbage or kvass ahead of time, which would give it to squash properly.

You can consider kvass ready, when the cabbage spirit disappears in it, and the taste becomes sour with acidity. All that before - also quite edible, but trust a raw-food cook with experience and great love for tasty foodso it will be tastier in all respects.

  We remove the upper leaves, we will not need them.

  Cut off the part, leave the rest for the "sauerkraut"

  Cut into cubes to handle a blender. You can also use any other method of grinding.

  We put everything in a blender and grind.

  Pour into a glass container, such as a jar.

  Add the "starter" prudently left from the last kvass.

  Last kvass was a bit carrot)

  Fill up the volume with water, but not to the neck itself, since when cabbage will be broken, then at some point it will give up the juice and wash it out.

  We cover with a glass, not dense lid.

  We put in the pallet ...

  ... and in a warm place.
After that for a week we forget about kvass, someone suffices and 3 days, but I do not belong to them.

  Here he is, handsome and cheerful.

  Practice has shown that it is most convenient to squeeze through gauze, especially since the resulting knot can then be used as a “starter” for cabbage, together with gauze, so that the pieces do not fly apart.
Still there is a way, to pass all through a screw juicer, in my opinion an excellent idea, but I yet did not try.

  Kvass poured into a bottle or jar.

  Cake left as a "starter", it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. This is actually our "guys", i.e. Those same lacto-bacteria, as in yogurt and kefir, are only better, because they did not eat the denatured alien animal protein.

  What would be good to drink kvas, I add honey and red pepper, then it becomes really very tasty and impressive.

  Just kvass perfectly suits as a dressing in a salad. And also, it can ferment any vegetables in a short time, and most importantly, they will remain alive and such useful.

Such kvass is a very useful thing, not only does it help the digestion of food (so if you decide to go for a raw-food birthday, I advise you to take a bottle with you), this is a real second stomach for digestion, it also normalizes the intestinal microflora, because these are the most Sembiot bacteria, which produce all the substances and amino acids necessary for the body, and digesting them themselves, they also get protein, which they can’t be reborn in, in the second generation, They are already probiotic, but this is already very difficult for me, in general, a very useful thing.

Enjoy your meal!

Cabbage is an amazing vegetable. From it you can cook a huge number of dishes. But many do not realize that cabbage juice is able to benefit the body. The same can be said about kvass. These drinks alleviate the symptoms of many diseases, but you need to know how to properly take them. Otherwise, you can harm your health.

Cabbage juice and kvass contain:

  • trace elements: potassium, hydrogen, iron, sulfur, nitrogen, silicon, oxygen, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and fluorine;
  • folic and pantothenic acids;
  • vitamins: B (B2, B9, B6), E, ​​K, D, A, PP, U, and C;
  • macroelements: fluorine, iodine, silicon, manganese and iron;
  • vitamin U, which promotes healing of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

What kind of cabbage to choose for a drink?

Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to choose a vegetable variety for your specific case yourself. Starch and sucrose are absent in kvass and cabbage juice, thanks to which the benefits of drinks for the body are greater than from the vegetable itself.

It is important that you can not add sugar and salt to the beverage.

Table: Comparison of KBSTU of cabbage juice and kvass

Useful properties of the product

  1. Has a diuretic, hemostatic and healing effect.
  2. Eliminates constipation.
  3. Excretes toxic substances from the body.
  4. Relieves hemorrhoids.
  5. Helps to cure ARVI.
  6. Displays excess fluid.
  7. Treats neurosis and insomnia.
  8. Stimulates metabolism.
  9. Lowers cholesterol.
  10. Useful for diabetes.
  11. Relieves cough.
  12. Strengthens teeth.
  13. Cleans the intestines due to the high content of fiber.
  14. Treats Staphylococcus aureus.
  15. Refreshes the complexion.
  16. Makes hair healthy.
  17. Treats bleeding gums.
  18. Able to help with cancer.
  19. It treats a stomach ulcer, duodenal disease, colitis and gastritis with low acidity.

Contraindications and possible harm

Cabbage juice can not drink:

  • patients suffering from bloating and gas formation;
  • after a heart attack;
  • pancreatic disease;
  • after surgery (especially in the abdomen);
  • with kidney disease and pancreatitis.

Pure cabbage drink should not be consumed with gastritis with high acidity. In the absence of contraindications juice should not harm the body.

Usage rates

From a two-kilogram cabbage makes about one liter of juice. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to warm up a little before drinking.

It is necessary to drink cabbage juice 150 ml up to three times a day. Duration of admission depends on the disease.

The drink can be consumed in its pure form.   If you do not like his taste, then you can mix it with others useful juices, honey, lemon and berries.

  Cabbage juice is best used in its pure form

Cabbage juice, even in a healthy person, can provoke gas formation, so you should not use it more than three glasses a day. To check how the body reacts to the intake of juice, you need to start with 50 ml and gradually increase the dose to 150 ml. Doctors say that to maintain a good health is enough to drink a glass of drink a day.

People suffering from increased gas formation should dilute the juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Nuances of use

For cabbage juice has its own characteristics of use, which must be followed.

During pregnancy

Cabbage juice is very useful for pregnant women at any time. The substances contained in the drink help the child to develop properly. Thanks to a complex of vitamins, cabbage juice in the womb protects the fetus from infectious and colds.

Drink a drink during pregnancy should be daily from one to three glasses per day.

  Cabbage juice will help a pregnant woman cope with the manifestations of toxicosis

If the body of a woman is prone to gassing, then it is better to turn off cabbage juice, since its use will negatively affect the overall condition of the baby.

During breastfeeding

  During lactation, it is better not to eat cabbage juice

For complementary foods

Cabbage juice can provoke gas formation, so it should be introduced into the diet last.   Begin feeding such a drink with caution, with a teaspoon. It is necessary to monitor the behavior and well-being of the baby.

Enter cabbage juice in the diet should be no earlier than seven months of age.

Cabbage juice can be given to a child only 7 months


Cabbage juice is indispensable in the process of losing weight. It is used according to the standard norm for healthy people. The drink slows down the formation of carbohydrates and fats. Juice removes bile from the liver and cleanses the entire body. The drink has many useful elements and almost no calories, so it will benefit during weight loss.

In the cabbage juice contains 22 calories per 100 grams. Despite this, it nourishes well.

  Cabbage juice helps cleanse the body, so the waistline gradually decreases

To lose weight, you just need to add cabbage juice to the diet.   Drink consumed before meals three times a day. It is worth noting that in this case you need to adhere to proper nutrition.

Kvass is sometimes used to reduce weight instead of juice. To achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary to replace a specific drink with 1 or 2 meals. Kvass fills the stomach, leaving a feeling of satiety. Allowed to drink before meals. The liquid restores the microflora and is a good prebiotic. Cabbage kvass contains maximum benefit and minimum harm.

Health recipes

There are several ways to make cabbage drink.

Cabbage juice

  1. Cabbage leaves are separated from the stalk.
  2. The leaves are crushed (for this purpose, suitable blender or meat grinder).
  3. Squeeze juice from a slurry (here you can use gauze, a bandage or other suitable cloth).
  4. The juice is placed in a container and put in the refrigerator.

  Cabbage juice is cooked very simply

It is permitted to initially make a drink in a juicer. Do not keep the juice in the refrigerator for more than 3 days. It is advisable to prepare a drink for one day.

Cabbage Kvass

  1. Take a head of cabbage and divide it into leaves and a stalk.
  2. Crush the leaves in a blender.
  3. Put gruel in the jar.
  4. Add 2 liters of water.
  5. Cover with gauze.
  6. Put in a warm place for 24 hours.
  7. Filter through a sieve and use.

Nuances of drinking in various diseases

There are certain features of the use of cabbage juice, depending on the purpose of the reception.


Here, cabbage juice should be used in complex treatment. In addition to the internal reception (a glass a day), it is necessary to carry out procedures for washing.   The fluid has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, thereby speeding recovery.

  1. Procedures should be carried out in the morning and in the evening.
  2. At one time you will need 500 ml of juice.

Gastritis with high and low acidity

In gastritis with high acidity, cabbage juice should be added to the cabbage drink. The ratio is 1: 1.

  Potato juice is very useful for gastritis with high acidity.
  1. It is necessary to drink a mix of juices twice a day in one glass.

If you suffer from gastritis with low acidity, the cabbage juice should be drunk in its pure form once a day after breakfast until complete recovery.

Atrophic, erosive ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Cabbage juice accelerates the healing of ulcers. Drink should be taken until complete cure daily.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. During the week you need to drink three glasses of juice per day.
  2. Then take a break in three days.
  3. Again to continue the week-long reception and so on.


Diabetics need to eat cabbage every day in any form. Vegetable has a small calorie and rich chemical compositionwhich is very important for people suffering from high blood sugar levels.

To reduce blood sugar, juice is drunk three times a day in a single glass.

To improve the acid-base balance and normalize the work of the pancreas in diabetics and helps pickle sauerkraut.

  1. Take the brine to 150 ml three times a day.
  2. The course of treatment lasts a month.

  In diabetes it is especially useful to use pickled sauerkraut


  1. The essence of the treatment is the use of cabbage juice one glass a few times a day.
  2. To sore points you need to put fresh leaves of a vegetable for three hours.

You can also mix cabbage juice with carrot in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a drink is taken three times a day before meals. The course of treatment continues until the remission.


In case of cancer, cabbage juice should be mixed with beet in equal proportions. Drink from two vegetables well helps from the development of tumors.   In the absence of contraindications such juice can be consumed in unlimited quantities daily.

  In the cabbage "medicine" for cancer, it is very useful to add beetroot


Cabbage juice perfectly dilutes sputum, so quickly eliminates cough. The drink is able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

  1. The drink is mixed with honey in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Take a means of 0.5 cups three times a day before meals.


In this case, it is necessary to drink the brine left after the sauerkraut.

  1. Use brine three times a day before eating half the glass.
  2. Do not exceed the specified dosage.

Beauty recipes

On the basis of cabbage juice, there are several recipes for beauty, which will be useful for every girl to know.

Hair Shine Mask


  • 2 tbsp. cabbage juice;
  • 2 tbsp. aloe juice;
  • 1 tbsp. burdock oil.
  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Apply the mask to the roots of the hair for half an hour.
  3. Rinse the head thoroughly with shampoo.
  4. With a strong fragility and loss of vitality to moisturize the hair with a cabbage mask should be 2-3 times a week.

  Mask from the cabbage juice is very convenient to apply with a brush

Moisturizing mask for all skin types


  • 1 tsp cabbage juice;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tsp almond oil.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Ingredients mix.
  2. Apply mask on face for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off the remedy.
  4. Apply the mask up to twice a week.

Mask for fading skin

  1. The face must be cleaned first with a scrub.
  2. Moisten a gauze napkin in cabbage juice and attach to the skin for 25 minutes.
  3. Rinse your face with cold water.
  4. Apply to skin nourishing cream.
  5. The mask can be done 2-3 times a week.

Video: the use of cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is useful to all people. Drink must be included in your daily diet. A healthy person can consume juice for the purpose of prevention. In addition, the drink can stop the development of disease.

It is believed that kvass for weight loss helps to lose weight without diet. Of course, it is not. The product can be a good helper in the restoration of intestinal microflora and a good prebiotic, useful when following a diet. But to limit the diet only kvass, or drink them normal and too abundant meals should not be. Weight reduction is a marathon, not a sprint. And it is important not to miss any stages of preparation - neither proper nutrition, nor physical activity, nor additional products. The latter should be chosen with special care, since, unlike traditional ways of dealing with obesity, they are not suitable for everyone.

Who will help kvass for weight loss

Usually 1-2 meals are replaced with kvass for weight loss, or people try to drink it before meals. Manipulations are explained this way - you take something useful and cleansing the body, it helps you get rid of toxins and toxins, and excess weight along with it. And kvass mechanically fills the stomach and contributes to a more rapid onset of a feeling of satiety.

No medical source will overestimate the value of "cleansing the body" for weight loss. Moreover, it is not indicated anywhere at all that it should be a mandatory component of weight loss programs. All you need to burn fat is to create a stable calorie deficit. Do you drink prebiotics or not, and quench your thirst with kvass or tea in this scheme matters only in one case. If your favorite national recipes contribute to the fact that you eat with reduced caloric content, fine. If not, they do not help you, perhaps, to support the "morale" and strengthen overall health.

Thus, in order for brew to work, you need:

  • control their food. To begin, calculate how much exactly kcal your body will need for a stable weight loss. Then start recording everything that you eat, weigh the food and do not go crazy about the "benefits and harm of products." If desired, it will be possible to “clean out” the diet of excess sugar, salt and caffeine, but you can - and not do it at all. As long as you are in short supply, everything is fine with you;
  • increase motor activity. Although they say that the diet is primary for weight loss, but in practice it is almost impossible to maintain such a low calorie content, which is required to lose weight without physical activity. Therefore, it is worth more carefully approaching these things and at least walking 30 minutes a day on foot, rather than relying solely on kvass or something else;
  • drink kvass so that it does not contribute to the increase in appetite and does not force to overeat. Absolutely all known recipes of kvass for weight loss give on the way out a drink "with calories." If you drink it uncontrollably, you can not only make up a digestive tract disorder due to the abundance of “extra” prebiotics, but also accumulate about 300 kcal in “liquids” that will be superfluous in terms of burning fat.

In general, any kvass, for weight loss, or for pleasure, must be entered into the calorie counter, and see what it gives you.

Folk ways of using kvas for weight loss and their features

Almost all popular weight loss recipes with different kvasas tell us that we need to replace breakfast or dinner with a drink and drink a glass before meals to kill our appetite. Technically, this might work if a person:

  • different healthy eating behavior. He is not hung up on food so much as to constantly remember the missed breakfast-dinner, and will not overeat at the "authorized dinner" so much that it will cover all his needs several times;
  • not engaged in physical labor or serious strength exercises. Anyway, increased physical activity is not "friendly" with folk recipes. If you drink kvass instead of food and create a deficit of about 1000-1200 kcal per day, you may encounter a so-called metabolic disorder. The body gets used to life at very low calories and stops burning fat. He does not need to compensate for anything, he has enough energy, but you eat very little and do not lose weight. Of course, this is an uncomfortable option, and it causes problems in everyday life. And yet - this is one of the symptoms of a decrease in the level of secretion of thyroid hormones. So if you do not fit with kvass in the "textbook" 200-300 kcal in the "deficit", you probably just need to eat more;
  • in principle, he likes kvass. Recipes with bananas, according to Bolotov and others, can cause some bewilderment in a person who cannot even drink simple rye bread. If you are up to it for the health of the intestinal microflora, you can look for alternative sources of prebiotics. There are many of them in sauerkraut, kimchi, as well as in all fermented milk products;
  • not too hungry in the morning or evening. After a lack of breakfast in a couple of hours, he is still waiting for a moderate meal, rich in fiber and protein. So at first - a glass of kvass, and after a while a regular breakfast of eggs, for example, will also find time. In the evening everything is more complicated. All kvasses have a diuretic effect from moderate to strong, therefore their consumers may face big problems if going to the toilet causes them to have sleep disorders. In the case when after a night climb insomnia pursues, it is better to avoid diuretic recipes for the night. In general, for weight loss, normal hormone secretion and a normal sleep pattern are more important than all these drinking manipulations.

Beet kvass for weight loss

The recipe for beet kvass for weight loss was invented by the Russian naturopath Bolotov. The following properties are attributed to the beverage:

getting rid of constipation;

  • improved metabolism;
  • fat burning;
  • detoxification;
  • disinfecting effect.

To make kvass, you will need a regular can of 3 liters and 3-4 large beets. Root vegetables are carefully washed, cut and poured with warm water in a three-liter jar. Dishes left in the light and fasten the neck with gauze. After 3 days, kvass is filtered from the pieces of beet and a couple of tablespoons of honey is added to it. You can drink!

Before drinking such kvass, it is worth making sure that the drink is suitable for consumption, it does not have mold, and it did not ferment completely, turning into alcohol. The same author recommends beet kvass to combine with beetroot cake. You just need to scroll raw beets through a powerful electric meat grinder, then the resulting product should be eaten 2-3 tablespoons before eating.

Who does not know, beet is a laxative vegetable. It naturally accelerates peristalsis and promotes faster evacuation of feces. “A weight of 2 kg per month without effort” usually provides this effect. Those who do not like kvass and do not want to eat cake, you can still grate the beetroot with an apple in the simplest salad and use it regularly.

  • cut 2-3 large red beets and 1-2 lemons, place in a three-liter can, place 2-3 tablespoons of honey or sugar and a spoonful of raisins. Leave a fermentation drink when ready - drink a glass 20 minutes before eating.

Oat kvas for weight loss

For the preparation of oat kvass take a glass of whole oats. Grain pour 3 liters of water, bring to a boil and boil for about an hour. Next, the oatmeal broth is drained and fermented either with yogurt Narine (sold in a pharmacy, just 1 spoon per 1.5 l of broth is enough), or simply poured into a jar and add a piece of rye bread. Kvass in a three-liter jar is left for 2-3 days to ferment. Oatmeal broth can be fermented and ordinary kvass wort, which is sold in stores. Sometimes it is advised to add a premix for making yoghurts, the finished drink may then turn out to be somewhat specific in taste, but also very useful. To speed up the fermentation of kvass, add either 2-3 pieces of regular sugar or honey.

The second recipe for oat kvass is simpler. You can take a pound of flakes such as Hercules on a three-liter jar of water. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and a slice of rye bread and leave in the kitchen for fermentation. Readiness indicator - a dense film is formed on the surface of the kvass.

In drinks according to these recipes, it is sometimes advised to add raisins.

Oat broths and kvass of them are rich in beta glycans. The progressive medicine places great hopes on these substances in the sense of prevention and treatment of oncological diseases. Usually oatmeal broth is advised to drink and as a general tonic for liver diseases. It is believed that kvass also has hepatoprotective properties.

Rice kvass for weight loss

The so-called “rice kvass” is a paradoxical case when the substance has nothing to do with rice. Rice slimming kvass is a drink from the so-called "Indian rice". This is the closest relative of Kombucha. Leaven actively sell on bulletin boards on the Internet. You need to take 1-2 tablespoons of leaven and place in 3 liters of water with 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. For taste, add anything from orange juice with a spoon of grated ginger to tea brew. Leave this drink for 3-4 days, then it can be drained and used as kombuchu or a drink from Kombucha.

There is also a popular recipe for making kvass from sticky broth of white rice. The drink is strongly on the amateur, although he is credited with the ability to heal the digestive tract from a number of diseases. In fact, the therapeutic effect is caused not so much by prebiotics, as by the “mucous” texture of the decoction itself. Kvass from rice broth is able to envelop the stomach walls and relieve discomfort.

Preparing kvass from rice cereal is quite simple:

  1. you need to take 1 part of rice to 6 parts of water and boil until a clear rice “broth” is obtained;
  2. further filter the broth, rice can be eaten, but the liquid should be drained into a three-liter jar, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a piece of rye bread and a spoon of raisins;
  3. in 3-4 days brew will be ready.

Pharmaceutical yogurts Narine and ready-made sourdough for fermented milk products are also used to prepare rice kvass.

Banana Kvass

The so-called banana slimming kvass is actually made from the rind of this beautiful fruit. Take 3-4 banana peel, put in a jar, pour water, add sugar (cup) and sour cream (spoon). Water can take up to 3 liters, ready brew will be in 2 weeks. Having drunk a glass, you can add the finished mass of water to get even more drink.

Some sources also write that tryptophan contained in kvass may become a new cure for cancer. True, the evidence is not enough.

Cabbage Kvass

For the preparation of cabbage kvass does not even require additional sugar. The drink on its properties "copies" sauerkraut and simply prepared. Cabbage forks are taken, cut into cubes, then crushed in a blender and poured with water to 1 to 1. The mixture is poured into cans, in each put a spoonful of the simplest ferment for regular kvass. Or a spoonful of plain sauerkraut. After a few days, the drink will ferment and you can drink it.

Cabbage Kvass

In search of better food, I adhere to a long period of nutrition with thermally unprocessed food, I do not disdain homemade sour milk and bee products.
But for 2 years, there was no particularly new sensations, all around the same I spin. At the heart of the diet is green buckwheat with chopped greens and butter, or even just buckwheat.

But a couple of times I came across what is called "cabbage kvass" and decided to do it. I really remember the feeling when I tried it for the first time. Salty taste. Nasty smell. But the feeling of saturation after it came what is not ordinary, not as always, not as from buckwheat, but from 2 glasses and at 6 o'clock did not think about food at all. The analysis is conducted later. Different thoughts arise about this, maybe there are some necessary salts, or substances necessary for the body, perhaps as the authors say there are a lot of necessary bacteria. In color and consistency, it looks like milk serum, even I would say thicker. But this is how I started drinking it and was pleased with the results. Good to drink during exercise. Apparently the salts that go with then are reimbursed and it feels noticeable.
I tried to add honey, the result is not unambiguous in kvass. On the one hand it is drunk well. tasty to taste close to the usual kvass, but on the other such you can not drink a lot because Honey is also a food for bacteria and they continue to eat its body - in short, it wanders. But if you take it so moderately - 1 glass, and nothing will be on an empty stomach. Will have time to be sucked like.
I think the drink without alcohol because it should be lactic acid fermentation. But if you add honey and leave for a long time, other bacteria seem to predominate and the result may not be checked with a degree. But if you just put honey immediately, fermentation starts.

1. We take cabbage - 1 kg.
2. Cut it into cubes and pour the blender.
3. Add water and grind, it happens quickly, my old one makes it in 20-30 seconds.
4. Merge into a 3 liter jar. We put in a dark place, I stood at 20-23 degrees.
5. It is important to fill the can not fully leave 5-6 cm, because there will be a reaction and water can flow out.
6. For the first time it is recommended to keep 1.5 -2 days. Keep in the dark for fermentation. Instead of a cap, I usually put a napkin and wrap it with a rubber band. The first time when done without adding leaven is recommended to keep longer.
7. In the next times, 2 tablespoons of the old mixture are added to the new mixture and the kvass is cooked in a day, the sensations still need a little more, but this can already be picked up to taste. I try to keep a little more than 24 hours. Now by the way the apartment gets warmer can get faster.
8. After it gets fermented, I put a thin towel into the dish because There is no big, strong, small friend. Pour a lot and wring out. There is so little cake. With one tennis ball.

Application of cakei found it too. Because Get a dehydrator. The wife makes bread. Well, this cake in a small amount is added to them. It gives a spicy sour taste.

I tried to experiment, add in different proportions, turnips, beets, carrots. On all lover. From beet mucus is formed and it does not want to pour into yourself. But once I achieved a cool result in taste, it turned out like ordinary kvass. To my taste, the wife said sour, that's all.

I also decided to add it.
I usually try to keep the hunger strike for about 32-36 hours for dry (without water) so-called dry hunger strike SG. - 2 times a month. It helps to nullify tastes, to keep on raw food eating and generally interestingly affects the mind. But this year I discovered for myself, classes with iron with heavy weights. And such a hunger strike strongly inhibited metabolism. Swing after something is wrong, and I replaced it. At first I replaced herbal infusions with honey and lemon juice. As opened cabbage kvass replaced them. It turned out he drank it per day 2 liters somewhere and felt good. Yes, I did a couple of times in these hungry days, the truth in unloading, resting training. True, this did not cancel the 3 km run, with 2 accelerations of 2 minutes each. Even on dry hunger, I somehow combined my hunger strike with the phases of the moon. Feelings are different on a different moon as if. I usually try to starve on Ekadash days. And the calendar is always at hand online.

All good drinking! - Evgeny Eremin.