Any new product instantly attracts the attention of the housewives, because it can be very useful and able to make the dishes more delicious. Appearing on the market, and tofu immediately began to use poppy curd (or cheese) tofu from the owners. True, some of them still consider the product to be something exotic and unusual, and many of the inhabitants of our latitudes do not even know what it is.

Of course, before using it, you should learn more about this kind of cheese and do not doubt its usefulness, because the product is considered a worthy substitute for meat due to the content in the yawn a large number of  squirrel.

History of Tofu

In our latitudes this kind of cottage cheese is known not so long ago, but in China and Japan it has been honored for many centuries. About the leg legends.

There is an opinion that tofu was first produced in Japan, but in fact the motherland of the food is China.

One of the most common legends concerning the invention of tofu is that the chef of the emperor received the cheese, but he managed it by accident. The cook wanted to make soy sauce, which he cooked, even more tasty and added a nigaride saline solution to the dish.

The latter is obtained in conditions of evaporation of sea water.

As a result, there was a chemical reaction, the prepared dish curdled, and the cook decided to try what came of it. The taste of the substance he liked, and so the cheese became famous in China.

In Japan, tofu curd has gained popularity due to Buddhist monks. They used to eat at monasteries as a ritual meal, and only then the product became known to other Japanese, who appreciated the cheese. Initially, it was only available to affluent people, since the cost of the product was very high. And only later, bean curd became available to all segments of the population.

Benefit and harm

The most valuable substance that is contained in the product is protein in large quantities. we
  used to get protein, usually from food of animal origin (meat, eggs), but in soy sauce the substance is much larger. In addition, the protein obtained from listed products  food, has an animal origin, therefore, together with useful substance  the body receives cholesterol.

Tofu also has a vegetable origin, which is why cholesterol is much less (30 percent).

This explains why this kind of cottage cheese has a preventive effect against diseases of the cardiovascular system.

And this is not all beneficial features  product.

  • Thanks to him, the body is freed from dioxin, which can become a provoker of cancer;
  • Those who want to lose weight are also appreciated by tofu due to the fact that the calorie content of cottage cheese is only 73 kcal / 100 g. This is very small, especially given its usefulness and nutritional value;
  • The product is easily digested, which greatly facilitates the work of the digestive tract;
  • The composition of soy cottage cheese includes phytoestrogens - analogues of female hormones, which are necessary for hormonal imbalance and in climacteric conditions;
  • Some people eat this soy product in cases where they can not eat ordinary cottage cheese due to an allergy to cow's milk.

Tofu is considered an absolutely harmless food, but only in moderation.

What can be dangerous bean curd?

  • With excessive use, it can help reduce the number of sperm in the sperm of a man. As for women, they may have an excessive amount of phytoestrogens in this case;
  • In the presence of endocrine diseases, too, you need to be cautious during the use of the product - it can aggravate their course;
  • Tofu contains phytic acid, which is capable of binding minerals, and this prevents the normal process of their assimilation.

You can prepare the food yourself. Here are some recipes for how this can be done.

From soy milk

This recipe is most popular.

For cooking, we use not the milk that we are used to eating. First you need to prepare this particular ingredient.

Take 1 kg of soybeans, add a pinch of salt to the water and fill it with the first. Allow the mixture to stand for 24 hours, and when the beans swell, they must be ground with a meat grinder. Then fill the raw materials with water (3 liters), insist them for 4 hours. Ingredients should be mixed regularly. Now the mixture can be expressed with the help of gauze. The resulting liquid is soy milk, from which we will prepare cottage cheese.

Boil the milk (about 5 minutes), turn off the stove, add lemon juice (from 1 citrus juice) to the liquid.

Stir it, as a result of which the liquid should begin to fold. Pure gauze or just a cloth folded into several layers, wrap it and express the milk. In the gauze remains clot, which you need to squeeze well. The product is ready.

From flour

Take a saucepan, put soya flour (1 glass) in the container and pour in the same amount of water. Ingredients for the preparation of bean curd tofu with this recipe should be well stirred, and then pour boiling water (2 cups) to this mixture.

Cook this mixture for about min. 15. Add to the mass of 6 tbsp. l. lemon juice, once again good
  mix the components, turn off the plate. Then the mass should settle, and then it must be expressed by means of a gauze folded in several layers or by a usual clean cloth.

Prepare in our latitudes tofu and from cow's milk (1 liter) and lemon (1 pc.). The cooking technology is similar to that of soy milk. But given that original recipe  cheese themes and it is different that the ingredients of animal origin for the food do not apply, it is worth using all the same plant components.

Whatever recipe for cooking soybean curd tofu at home you choose, the product does not have a pronounced taste and smell. Therefore, you can use the food for cooking various dishes - both sweet and salty.

Product Storage

You need to do this in the fridge. In order for the cottage cheese not to absorb smells from the refrigerator and to be stored longer, a salt solution of weak concentration should be added to the container in which you will store the cheese. So you let the tof survive for a week.

The product can also be stored frozen, which will allow the food to survive for 5 months. When it is thawed, the tofu consistency can change whether you made cheese at home or bought ready-made cottage cheese in the store.

From the defrosted tofu, various dishes are prepared, involving the heat treatment of the ingredients.

But you can use the food in the usual way.

Do not be afraid to consume soy cottage cheese, and if you are worried that you will get low-quality goods in the store, use the above recipes and cook it yourself.

Meet: cheese from soy beans. He is also a bean curd. It is also called tofu, and it is almost one of the most popular products, for example, in China, in the Japanese islands, in many countries of Asia. And also soybean cottage cheese is a real favorite of slimming, vegetarians, fans of oriental cuisine. Let's take a closer look at this product.

"Meat without bones"

It is due to soybean beans (of which, in fact, tofu is prepared), it is considered one of the most nutritious foods containing vegetable protein. It is low-calorie, there is practically no fat with carbohydrates. And the legends about the exceptional useful characteristics of tofu are rooted in the depths of centuries. But even today, bean curd serves as one of the main sources of protein, without exaggeration, for tens of millions of people, therefore, probably, and is called "meat without bones" ...

A bit of history

Excellent reputation with tofu, so high quality and very useful product, appeared a couple of millennia ago. For example, in the figure in the tomb of the Han dynasty, dated long before the new era, archeologists discovered a kitchen scene that depicts the processes of making soy milk, as well as tofu. For many, soybean curd is associated with Japanese cooking, but the birthplace of cheese is China. And in the Land of the Rising Sun, tofu arrives about fifteen hundred years ago (for comparison, according to some sources, in the Middle Kingdom, soy products are actively consumed for 25 centuries).

Who invented it?

Most likely, the Chinese themselves certainly do not know who owns the discovery of tofu. There are several popular myths. Here, for example, one of them. The court cook decided to add to the mashed potatoes from the beans the original substance - nigar (perhaps because of the piquancy of the food). There was a reaction, as a result of which the puree curdled, turning into a resilient, shiny, but tender paste-cream of the color of melted milk. This mixture fell in the soul of the emperor himself and won the hearts of many Chinese. And they called it tofu. By the way, nigari is a concentrated solution of salts with a pleasant smell, which is obtained after heat treatment of sea water (in the language of modern chemists - magnesium chloride, or all the known food additive E511).

Another version

She narrates that a poor Chinese employee opened the cheese from his despair. The man was honest, never took a "paw," he lacked the means for any food, except for soybean. The Chinese self-evaporated nigari from the sea water, using as a seasoning, and accidentally introduced it into soy sauce. A tofu came out. A man could not afford meat and successfully replaced his food with a new dish. Some time passed and he noticed that his well-being improved, there were forces to live. Since then, bean curd has become popular among people "meat without bone" and has gained immense popularity, turning into an indispensable national delicacy.

Continuation of a story

Later, already from this product, the Chinese learned to prepare a wide variety of dishes, learned how to store cheese from soy. China in history has experienced various periods, but the beans were cultivated everywhere. And they made tofu from them. Inhabitants of the Celestial Empire and now refer to the cottage cheese, not only as a food. They have since ancient times discovered the curative nature of the product and use it in the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

Cheese tofu. Benefit

Many know for sure: this cheese is useful, but what exactly are its advantages? Moreover, recently the people are frightened by so-called modified beans at the gene level. It should be noted that soy is a unique plant that is a full-fledged vegetable protein supplier adequate to fully protein of animal origin. Soy contains 9 amino acids, essential for excellent health. Accordingly, they include and its benefits are great: the number of proteins it excels, and fish, and eggs, and even beef. Therefore, cottage cheese, as a protein concentrate, is considered an ideal product for vegetarians, for fasting, for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. And yet, tofu - a wonderful preventive maintenance against many heart diseases. It is 90% soluble in liquid, and therefore easily absorbed by the human body. Recipes with his participation - a genuine panacea for people with weak digestion. And the most pleasant thing is that in this delicacy there are few calories: in 100 grams only 73!

Tofu. Cooking recipes

In general, the production of curd resembles the method of obtaining cheeses from cow's milk. Probably, that's why it was called cheese. The substance is "extracted" by coagulating soy milk (fresh) made from beans. In it add a thickener - nigar, as a rule (sometimes vinegar, lemon juice), mix and heat, then press into dense squares of tofu. Recipes from ancient times have not changed much, the only difference is that today, in order to make do not take the beans themselves, and prepared soybean powder.

Three types

From soy milk? There are 3 types of soy cheese, they are classified according to their consistency level, which is directly related to the content of plant proteins: the drier the final product is, the higher the percentage of proteins. The European Union is accustomed to options more dense and firm. In terms of density, this tofu, rather, resembles "Mozzarella" than cottage cheese, perfectly applicable for cooking roasts, and for goulash, and for grilling. Asians prefer a more watery, soft, so-called cotton. It can be used for cooking 1-course dishes. The most gentle of all varieties is "silk". There are more fluids in it, but it resembles a consistency custard. Often used in soups, mashed potatoes, sauce, 2 dishes and sweets.

Where to buy?

Recently, tofu cheese has also become popular with us. Where to buy a good product? Yes, in any major specialized store or supermarket. Do it not only in Asia, but also in other countries. There is also a Russian cheese. However, the Japanese, for example, are sure that the real curd of tofu is produced only on the corresponding islands - and nowhere else! How to distinguish bean curd from natural at home? After all, at first glance, they are similar. In addition, you could sell the mixture. It is enough to drop a lot of iodine on the mass. Natural cheese does not react, and soy will change the color of the droplet.

"Day of cheese"

And now - the dishes with the cheese of their cooking are quite simple: even an inexperienced mistress will cope. But how much good, and besides, it turns out deliciously and quickly. Perhaps, after trying at least once an oriental delicacy, you will make it appear in your kitchen regularly.

This is the world-famous oriental soy-based product. It enjoys wide popularity both among vegetarians, and among all lovers of healthy food.

History of origin

There are many legends about the origin of tofu, tk. This product has a centuries-old history and is a cult in the countries of Asia and the East. There is an opinion that soy cheese first appeared in Japan, but in fact it began to be produced in China about 2200 years ago. According to one of the legends, it was invented by the cook of the Chinese emperor. He decided to improve the taste of soy puree to please his master. During cooking, the cook added a salt solution of nigari to it, which is obtained by evaporating sea water. As a result of the experiment, the puree curdled, as a chemical reaction occurred. The new dish was like the cook and the rest of the staff. Soon tofu, the recipes of dishes from which the Chinese chefs began to come up, was to the liking of the rest of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire and became one of the popular products in China.

In Japan, tofu was brought by Buddhist monks. For them, soy cheese was a ritual food and was used only in monasteries. Then he became known to the rich noble people. For them, he was considered a delicacy and was present on the table solely for great holidays.

After a while, the product became popular with all segments of the population. In other countries, soy cheese appeared only in the second half of the XX century. First, he was loved by vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle, and then thanks to the restaurants of the Oriental cuisine everyone learned about this curiosity. Today, tofu, the price of which is affordable for almost everyone, can be found in large hypermarkets and specialized stores.

Varieties of soy cheese

Tofu is a vegetable product, which was originally prepared from soybean milk. Currently, most often for its preparation use soybean powder or flour. This greatly facilitates the formulation, because you do not have to squeeze out the liquid from the soybean beans.

In the eastern countries there is a huge amount of soy cheese varieties. European residents are mainly familiar with two species - hard and soft (silk). The solid has a dense consistency, it keeps shape well when frying, it is convenient to cut it into pieces of any size. Soft or silk tofu with a creamy, delicate structure requires a more accurate treatment. Usually it is used for making various eastern desserts.

Cooking tofu

How is tofu cooked? From soybeans or powder, milk is made, then it is curdled with the help of a coagulant, which may be nigar, lemon juice or vinegar. The curd mass is placed in special containers in order to cool it and take shape.

Tofu can be filtered through cotton or silk. In the first case, you get a regular thick cheese called "momen-goi". In the second case the cheese will become tender and silky. It is called "kin-goi". In both cases, the soy product has a white color, neutral smell and taste.

Product Benefits

Tofu is an excellent source of soy protein and a huge amount of useful nutrients, necessary for the human body. Dishes from it are very useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, since vegetable protein has the ability to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood to 30%. Also, it is well tolerated by people with allergies, and athletes tofu helps to increase muscle mass. In addition, soy cheese has a good effect on the work of the kidneys and even helps to dissolve stones in the gallbladder.

Tofu removes carcinogens from the body and is the prevention of cancer. The phytoestrogen contained in it helps maintain the necessary level of sex hormones, which is very useful for women in menopause.

Soy tofu cheese, the benefit of which is to reduce the level of free radicals, is an excellent source of selenium. This substance is necessary for the functioning of the antioxidant system. Also, soy contains a large amount of protein, so it can serve as a substitute for meat. Omega-3 fatty acids, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus and iron - all these trace elements are part of this unique product. In addition, that it is useful for eating, it can be used in cosmetology as a mask for the face and body. Thanks to soy cheese any woman can lose weight without much effort, just replacing them with meat and rice.

Is tofu harmful? Contraindications

Despite the obvious benefit of the product, there is an opinion about its possible harm and contraindications. It is believed that at the moment there is no way to find real soy cheese, because under its guise, a genetically modified fake is sold. Someone claims that tofu itself is a GMO meal, as soybeans are often used to increase the yield and add extra properties to the food. If this assumption is true, then genetically modified foods may not have the best effect on human health. Nevertheless, the fact of harm tofu has not been proven yet, but there are quite reasonable contraindications that should be read before using soy cheese. As it is hard enough to digest, it is not recommended to abuse them for dysbiosis, constipation, gastritis, colitis, ulcers. Also, do not use tofu people with allergies to vegetable protein, pregnant women and young children.

Dishes with tofu

Soy tofu cheese is a versatile product that is used in various variations. It has a neutral taste, so it is added to soups, salads, hotter and desserts. To prepare dishes from tofu recipes can be taken ready or come up with their own.

Using soy cheese, you can prepare a hearty rice with vegetables and tofu, an omelet or Japanese miso soup. Cold snacks with the addition of this product and tucked soy sauce  will have a unique taste and original look. They can replace the cheese in a well-known greek salad. Tofu can be fried, boiled, fried in batter. Dessert with fruits and soy cheese in a sweet sauce will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

According to one of the versions of the origin of Tofu, it was obtained in the II century. BC. e. in China and spread in the VIII century in Japan. In these countries, as well as in Thailand, Vietnam and Korea, Tofu has become one of the staple foods. In the Western countries, Tofu became widely known in the second half of the 20th century.

Today Tofu is one of the everyday products in Asian cuisine and is very actively used by vegetarians around the world.

Tofu - soy cottage cheese (calorie). It is made from boiled and mashed soybeans, reminiscent of soft porous cheese.

Tofu is soft and hard, of a dense consistency, so sometimes it is called cottage cheese, and sometimes cheese. It almost does not have its own flavor, but like a sponge, very well absorbs other smells and tastes and blends well with other ingredients.

Calorie curd Tofu

Caloric content of curd Tofu is 73 kcal per 100 g of product.

Composition and useful properties of cottage cheese Tofu

Tofu is one of the most versatile and economical protein products that exist.

Tofu is rich in high-quality vegetable protein (10.7% in dense, 5.3% in soft tofu), which contains almost all essential amino acids, and is also a source of and. In this case, Tofu is a low-calorie product that does not contain cholesterol.

Tofu is a full-fledged vegetable protein, which is very easily absorbed by the human body.

It is an excellent food for people with a weak stomach and an ideal protein product for those suffering from heart disease, since it does not contain cholesterol.

Regular use of Tofu in food in its raw form protects the body from dioxin, which causes cancerous tumors, and promotes the active excretion of dioxin from the body.

Tofu significantly reduces cholesterol in the blood, can be used to prevent osteoporosis, can alleviate climacteric symptoms, reduce the risk of heart disease (calorizator). It can be included in the diet of people with an allergic reaction to and.

Tofu cottage cheese in cooking

Tofu curd is well combined with various ingredients. It can be boiled, stewed, fried, baked, marinated, added to salads, soups, desserts.

Greetings, my friends!

Cheese tofu is a universal product full of useful microelements, which has won extraordinary popularity in the eastern countries and is in demand by many cuisines of the world.

This low-calorie cottage cheese, rich in protein, made from soybeans.

Its main difference from other famous cheeses is in the absence of its own taste, which makes it a universal product of cooking.

From this article you will learn:

Cheese tofu - useful properties and how to eat it

History of the origin of cheese

Soybeans, a plant from the legume family, grow in East Asia, so tofu was the traditional product of this region only, and the western countries learned about it in the second half of the twentieth century, but managed to quickly assess its peculiar taste qualities.

The authentic origin of tofu is unknown, but according to legend, the court cook experimented with the dishes and added nigaris for the improvement of taste in mashed potatoes from soybeans - a substance obtained by evaporation of sea water.

As a result, the dish curdled, turning into a cottage cheese, the taste of which everyone liked, and enjoys this product high popularity so far.

It is believed that eating it for food prolongs life and strengthens health.

Chemical composition of tofu

One hundred grams of the product have nutritional value  75 kcal.

Dietitians of all countries have long ago attributed it to low-calorie, helping to lose excess pounds.

  • 8 g of proteins;
  • 4.8 g of fats;
  • 1.9 g of carbohydrates;
  • 0.73 g of ash;
  • 84 g of water.

Many people do not approve of soy products, believing that they are of little benefit to the body. But, having considered chemical composition  This cheese, many change their minds.

Chemical composition:

  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamins of group B, A, E, C, PP, D.
  • Microelements - zinc, iron, selenium, copper, manganese.
  • The macronutrients are fluorine, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus.

  How to Make Tofu - Technology of Cooking

With the development of scientific and technological progress, the additives used to create the product have been modified, but in general the process of cooking has not changed.

Soybeans once had to be soaked in cold water  before they are fully swollen and grind to get milk from them.

He was subjected to boiling, added sea salt in order for the milk to curdle, turning into a.

The resulting mass was sent under a press and as a result, a unique dietary product was obtained.

Modern production has greatly simplified the process of making tofu.

  • Instead of beans, which need to soak, and then knead, now successfully used or diluted powder.
  • They are separated, curved with the help of coagulant, which is used as a nigar, vinegar or citric acid.
  • The heated mass is packaged in forms, cooled in water.
  • Some manufacturers add a variety of additives that enrich the taste of the product, but lead to a loss of the unique taste inherent only in this product.

Types of Tofu Cheese

Soy cheese can be hard and soft.

Tofu with a dense structure is characterized by a small amount of moisture and a high protein content.

The weight after the curling is placed in the molds, on the bottom of which cotton cloth is laid, absorbing excess liquid, and the product becomes hard.

This cheese is called cotton or mogens, it is divided into two types: hard (western) and watery (Asian).

Soft cheese is called silk or kina-goi, since the curdled mass is filtered through silk fabric.

The product has a creamy consistency, it is used for making sauces, soups, purees and various sweets.

Now it is easier to buy soy cottage cheese in a store than to cook it yourself, because in supermarkets this product can be purchased for about 300 rubles a kilogram, and the preparation process is quite labor-intensive.

But for those who like to conjure in the kitchen, there are several recipes for cooking this delicious oriental dish.

Cooking recipes for tofu

  • First option

One kilogram of soybeans is poured in water, a pinch of baking soda is added, the mixture is infused for 24 hours.

Water needs to be changed several times. Then wash the beans, grind them twice with a meat grinder. Crushed mass pour three liters of water and infuse for three to four hours, sometimes stirring.

Strain and squeeze the resulting mixture through a dense gauze. Get the basis for cheese - soy milk.

A liter of milk boil five to seven minutes, remove from heat and add the juice of one lemon, you can replace it with half a teaspoon of acid.

Stir the liquid until it folds and drain. The clot obtained as a result, and eat tofu cheese.

For those who like hard cheese, it is necessary, without removing a clot from the gauze, place it under the press, keeping a couple of days to remove excess moisture.

  • The second option

Enameled dishes pour a glass of soy flour, filled with a hundred grams of water, everything is mixed. Two cups of boiling water are poured into the resulting mixture, which should be cooked for 25 minutes.

Add five teaspoons of lemon juice, mix and strain through dense gauze.

It turns out a glass of soft and delicate homemade cheese.

Useful properties of a product - than tofu is useful?

One of the most valuable properties of tofu is the presence of a large amount of high-grade protein, which excludes, in contrast to other products containing protein, increased cholesterol.

The use of tofu:

  • provides the body with vitamins, minerals, including calcium and iron;
  • in deducing from the body dioxin - a substance that promotes the development of oncology;
  • high nutritional content, contains few calories and helps to lose weight;
  • contains phytoestrogens - a plant analogue of sex hormones useful for women during menopause and with hormonal failures;
  • improves kidney function, dissolves stones in the gallbladder;
  • is included in the diet of people who are allergic to milk.

The use of tofu cheese in various dishes

Soy cheese has an unpleasant taste and an unutterable smell, but tastes and smells of other products adopt quickly enough.

This allows you to use the product in a variety of dishes - sweet, salty, spicy, sour. Cheese is combined with all the ingredients, it can be added to soups, salads, desserts.

You can fry vegetables with tofu, pickle, bake, stew and cook.

Smoked piece of the product is not much different from the taste of ham, and if mixed with sugar and cocoa, it turns out delicious cream  for the cake.

A skilled chef can easily prepare tofu meatballs and cutlets, replacing meat with grilled cheese.

The methods of its application are so diverse that they depend only on the imagination of the cook.

Recipes with tofu

  • Salad with tofu

Cut into two fresh cucumber  and tomatoes in small cubes, add a red onion, cut into half rings. Crushed cheese fry on olive oil  before the appearance of a golden crust. Put everything in a salad bowl, add olives and balsamic vinegar.

  • Cream soup

Fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil, add to it cubes of raw potatoes, pour the vegetable broth and cook until the potatoes are ready. Beat the mass with a submerged blender to a uniform composition, add tofu cubes and warmed cream.

All you need to salt, pepper to taste, add half a teaspoon of curry and heat a little fire for a couple of minutes. Wipe the finished soup through a sieve, break it into one sheet of nori. Served with cream soup with rye crumbs.

  • Roasting in batter

Split in a container of one raw egg, add water and whip with a fork. Add flour to create a dough, in consistence resembling thick sour cream. Spices, condiments, salt and pepper add any, to your taste. Each slice of chopped tofu dipped in batter and fry in vegetable oil. Served with vegetables and herbs.

Choosing tofu when shopping

Soy cheese is sold in health food stores and in large supermarkets. To purchase quality product, you must carefully read its composition.

The best is tofu, which is produced with the help of calcium chloride.

Classical cheese contains water and soybeans, sometimes in composition can be indicated various seasonings that are added to mask the staleness of the product.

It is better to buy tofu without any additives and check the expiration date. Preference is given to vacuum packaging, it is more hermetic.

The open product is stored in the refrigerator and used for three days. Quality cheese should be white, and if there is even a slight yellowness, it means that the product was frozen and became more porous and hard.

Proper storage of tofu cheese

Closed packaging with cheese at room temperature is stored for about five months. It is not recommended to expose it to frost.

If the cheese is open, it must be rinsed and put in water, if possible, by evacuating the air from the container.

Cheese tofu benefit and harm - video

Contraindications for the use of soy cheese

Despite its useful properties, soy cheese can cause harm to the body.

Phytic acid, contained in this product, combines iron with minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc, so tofu can not be used by pregnant women and newborn children.

A large amount of cheese reduces the concentration of spermatozoa in men. People who have diseases of the endocrine system should also avoid using the product.

Harmful tofu, which includes soy, grown in adverse conditions and poor environmental conditions.

With you was Alena Yasneva, all bye!