Pancake cakes have long been liked by many as a very tasty, easy-to-prepare, but spectacular snack. Today we will talk about the recipes for this appetizer, which are the best for the New Year's table.

Any pancake cakeick, sweet or unsweetened, is prepared simply: pancakes are prepared according to a favorite recipe (for sweet variations of the cake they can be sweet, for unsweetened ones - fresh or brackish), then they are stacked on top of each other and a filling with sauce or some cream is shifted between them . In unsweetened variations of pancake cakes, cream and curd soft cheeses often act as cream. In general, the least trouble, but the result is the most that neither is wonderful - nourishing, beautiful and very a tasty snack!

Products |

  • For pancakes: Milk - 500 ml.
  • Egg - 4 pieces, oil draining-100 gr.
  • Flour-300 gr, .Sol-0.5 tsp, sugar-1 tsp, soda-0.5 tsp.
  • For the filling: Champignons - 600 gr.
  • Egg - 6 pieces, Ham - 150 gr.
  • Ginger - 30 gr., Mayonnaise - 50 gr., Salt, pepper
  • Cheese - 50 gr.

We cut mushrooms, onions, ginger.

Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. We put eggs for the filling.

While mushrooms are fried, we knead the dough for pancakes.

Mix 4 eggs, salt, sugar, soda. Good whisk.

We add warm milk, melted butter. Beat.

Gradually add flour and whisk, so that there are no lumps.

We bake pancakes.

Boiled eggs three on a large grater.

We cut the ham into cubes.

Cheese three on medium grater.

Mix eggs, ham, mayonnaise, a little salt, pepper.

On a heat-resistant dish we spread a pancake, from above a layer of mushrooms, then again a pancake.

My pancakes turned out to be very thin, and I spread two pancakes.

Then a layer of egg filling, pancake, mushrooms, pancake, egg filling, etc.

Sprinkle the top of our cake with cheese.

We put in a preheated to 190 degrees oven for 5-7 minutes, until the cheese blushes.

Pancakes I bake the most simple. Beat 1 egg with a pinch of salt and 0.5 tsp sugar and 3 tablespoons vegetable oil. Pour in the cold milk. Mix. If I use buttermilk, spoiled milk, then add 2-3 tablespoons of starch to the flour. And then in a bowl with sifted flour, I pour in a little liquid part. I do not give a recipe. Pancakes can be baked to your taste. The main thing is that they are thin.

And the stuffing can choose any one that is more like it. I will give only examples of the simplest. Variations are many.

1. Boil the meat through a meat grinder + fried in oil onion + greens chopped. Warm up in a frying pan in oil (preferably vegetable), mix well.
   2. Mushrooms fry with onions in rats.massle + dill + sour cream = put out
   3. Fish boiled or smoked cut into slices + onions and parsley ....

In this case, you can add to these basics different vegetables (leeks, carrots, sweet paprika, eggplant, zucchini ..) and even fruits. I like to add sour apples to vegetables or meat. Beef is very fond of prunes, and pork - apples and oranges.

You can choose a pair different fillings. I chose for my cake as the main - a ready sprat pate from the can (you can replace canned fish, pounding the fleshless bones in the oil from under the fish), added the fried onions. A couple of layers of greased with vegetable filling of fried in oil vegetables (leeks and carrots).

I must say that usually collected cake is smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise (and also add them to fillings) and put for 10-15 minutes in the oven. I did not do this, just picked up a cake of pancakes and stuffing and put it in the fridge. The next day, before the arrival of guests, there was an unusual snack on the table.

I recommend experimenting with fillings in advance, baking more delicate pancakes. While they are still melted, sandwich cake. Some layers can simply be smeared with sour cream (mayonnaise for lovers) or simply melted butter (which I did). Then crush the cake with a heavy flat dish and put it in the refrigerator to insist. Decorate better with those products that were used in the preparation of fillings.

We need the following ingredients:

Eggs - 2 pieces. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l .. Salt -1/2 tsp .. Flour - 2. Milk. Champignons -800-1000 g. Onions - 2 pcs. Cheese-200 g. Mayonnaise -100 g. Vegetable oil-for frying

Cooking method:
Smash two eggs in a bowl, add sugar and whisk until foam starts to appear. Gradually add the flour sieved through a sieve. Must get a thick dough. Slightly warm the glass of milk and pour into the dough in a thin trickle, constantly mixing. You should get a dough for consistency like liquid sour cream. Frying pan well, lightly oil with vegetable oil. Use the ladle to draw the dough, gradually pour it into the pan, tilting it in a circular motion, until the dough fills the entire surface. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Of this amount of test should be about 8 pancakes. Fold them on a plate and prepare the filling. Onions peel, cut into small cubes and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Rinse the mushrooms, cut into small pieces, put them on a dry frying pan. After 5-10 minutes they will start a lot of juice. Cover the frying pan with a lid and drain the juice. Now add a little vegetable oil and fry for about 20-30 minutes. Salt to taste. Mix mushrooms with onion, cool, pass through a meat grinder, add mayonnaise and mix well - the filling is ready. Cheese grate on a large grater. Start to collect the cake: put a pancake on the baking tray, grease it with a filling and sprinkle with cheese. Above - another pancake and stuffing. And so on, until the pancakes run out. Top - grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Put the cake in a preheated 180 degree oven. Bake for 10-15 minutes to melt the cheese. Wait until it cools down, cut and serve to the table!

Ingredients for "Pancake cake with chicken and turkey":

  • Milk - 2 stacks.Egg - 2 pcs Sa Har - 2 tbsp. l. With ol - 1 tsp.
  • Flour wheaten - 2.5-3 stack.Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Chicken and turkey fillet - 500 gEgg from cooked - 3 pcs Green onion fresh - 100 g
  • Cheese - 150 gChest - 2 teeth. May
  • Recipe

Pancakes: milk, eggs, sugar, salt, flour, vegetable oil (all approximately - the dough should be thicker than usual pancakes). All mix and bake is not thin pancakes. (at me all the same have turned out thinner, than it is necessary, therefore stacked on 2, having greased with mayonnaise)
   Filling: boiled chicken and turkey fillets, boiled eggs, green onions, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise. (Too all approximately).
   Meat and spring onions finely chop, mash the eggs with a fork, cheese grate on a fine grater, squeeze garlic, mix everything with mayonnaise.
   Pancakes stack on top of each other, smearing stuffing. Wait for an hour.

Pancake cake with liver

Pancake cake with a delicate, juicy and awesome tasty filling of chicken liver. Cooking it is not difficult, but it turns out beautiful, juicy and hearty.

For pancakes:

  • 1 egg0.5 liters of milk ¼-½ tea. tablespoons of salt1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar

  • flour 1,5 cups0.5 tea. spoons of hydrated soda


  • 800 g of chicken liver1 large onion1 carrot
  • gt; oil for frying3 table. tablespoons cream or milk100 gr grated cheese for sprinkling

The recipe for a pancake cake:

First, bake pancakes:

Smash 1 egg, add salt, sugar, mix everything with a mixer, pour in the milk, mix again, gradually add flour, stirring well, until the consistency of sparse sour cream

Bake pancakes on both sides as usual. One pancake is better not to bake on one side - put it down, because it is still roasted in the oven when baking.

We need 10 pancakes:We prepare the filling for a pancake cake:

Chicken Liver   it is good to wash, large-cut and send to a pan, if the liver with hearts, just cut them into 2-3 parts and stew with the liver, without forgetting salt:

Onions shred less, carrots three on a grater and add to the liver:Stir, add the plant. butter and cook until ready, add salt to taste, you can add a little black pepper, or can be without it - your choice

When the liver is ready, we scroll it through the meat grinder and get an excellent pate:

Scrolling through the meat grinder, add 3-4 tables. a spoonful of milk or cream-pate will be more gentle and it will be easier to spread it.Then we collect the pancake itself:

I have a round shape for baking, I make a pancake cake in it, but you can use any suitable frying pan by simply greasing it with a raster. oil.

So, take the most pale pancake and put it in a greased form and spread it over the sour cream (you can not do this):and sprinkled with grated cheese on top, we send it to a preheated oven to bake, put it on the baking tray, so that the bottom pancake does not burn

Then we put the next pancake and repeat everything in the same sequence - the last pancake is smeared with sour creamthen top layer of the filling - thin! Well smear it. If the liver is dry - add a little more milk to the filling.


We'll wait for the cake to cool down a bit and then it's much warmer and cuts more easily into mouth-watering slices. And it is very tasty the next day. If I have a little left, I store it in the fridge- an excellent breakfast. It is easier to cut and become denser, you can warm it up a little in the microwave.Do not long bake pancake cake - you can dry it. Usually I take out when the cheese melts and a little brown, or you can even not wait for it to blush, take out the minutes in 10-15.

In this version, the liver is eaten even by children who do not like it. Try to offer them, because it's so delicious!

Snack pancake cake with cottage cheese and garlic, chicken and tomatoes

The recipe for a dessert pancake cake. To make this cake is just a pleasure. It turns out very tasty.

Description of preparation:
   Cottage cheese, cheese, milk are the main ingredients of this culinary masterpiece. The recipe is extremely clear - the cake is made not at all difficult, but turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. Champignons give the cake a pleasant and mouth-watering taste. Many spices and ingredients are used.

  • Champignons - 250 GramsSugar - 1 Art. a spoonMilk - 500 Milliliters
  • Chicken breast - 1 pieceSpices and salt - - To tasteTomatoes - 2 Pieces
  • Green - - To tasteGarlic - 5 ZubchikovMayonnaise - 100 Grams
  • Egg - 4 piecesHard cheese - 200 GramsFlour - 1 Glass
  • Cottage cheese - 500 Grams

1. The first thing we'll do is pancakes. To bake pancakes we need: flour sugar milk and eggs. All this we need to mix. In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry pancakes. While fry pancakes, we must put chicken breast.

2. Now take the mushrooms, the mushrooms are very suitable. We cut them with small plates. On vegetable oil slightly fry them, add spices and salt. It is good to put out the mushrooms in their own juice.

3. Let us now turn to the curd mixture, which we will lubricate pancakes. For a start, we'll rub the cottage cheese together with mayonnaise and pre-pressed garlic. Well, everything is mixed, add black pepper and salt.

4. Slightly cool the ready-made pancakes and get the resulting curd mass to smear them.

5. The lowest (the first layer) - mushroom: we put pancake on top, grease with cottage cheese and serve chicken meat, cut into small pieces. Let's taste a little cheese on top. Next lie the tomatoes. They must be cut in half by the cut ones. Juicy part of tomatoes can be removed.

6. Repeat the layers again. The top layer is best made chicken. Hard boiled, boil two eggs and put them on a small grater. We put the last pancake to the top and lubricate it. Then sprinkle it with hard cheese. Directly on the cake three boiled eggs. We'll give you a little cake to stand in the fridge.

Pancake cake with red caviar and melted cheese

It will take: ready pancakes, fused / curd / creamy soft cheese, red caviar.

How to make a pancake with caviar.

Baked pancakes cool and, lubricating each cheese and sprinkling caviar, lay on each other. On top decorate with red caviar and greens.

You can make this kind of cake somewhat differently: use red caviar for filling, butter, parsley and thick mayonnaise. Lubricate pancakes butter, sprinkle with caviar and stack on each other, and mayonnaise and greens decorate the cake on top.

Pancake cake with trout and cream cheese

It will take: 250g slightly salted trout and soft cream cheese, 8-10 pancakes, 1.5 tablespoons. sour cream, dill.

How to cook a pancake cake with slightly salted fish. Stir the sour cream and cream cheese until smooth, chop the dill, finely chop the fish. Lubricate pancakes with sour cream cream, sprinkle with herbs and fish, stack on top of each other. You can make a cake with fish and greens or at will. For impregnation remove before serving in the refrigerator.

  Pancake cake with oyster mushrooms and smoked chicken and cottage cheese

You will need: pancakes ready unsweetened, filling - 300 grams of cherry and cottage cheese, 1 smoked chicken breast, 1 tbsp each. table horseradish and sour cream, cheese, salt.

How to cook a pancake pie with chicken and oyster mushrooms.

Grind the mushrooms, fry them for 5-10 minutes in a frying pan with butter. Dice the chicken and mix with mushrooms. With horseradish, sour cream and salt mix cottage cheese. Pancakes stack on each other, alternating the filling - one lubricating the curd mixture, the second - sprinkling chicken with mushrooms. The last pancake to sprinkle with grated cheese, take the cake in the oven for 15-20 minutes and bake at medium temperature until the cheese melts and browns.

You can replace the oyster mushrooms. You can also make a mushroom pancake cake with a simpler composition of ingredients: for the filling fry mushrooms with onions, add raw eggs and grated garlic, pepper and salt, mix. Lay out pancakes, each with mayonnaise, then with mushroom stuffing and sprinkling with grated cheese. Sprinkle such a pie with cheese and bake in the oven too.

  Pancake cake with herring paste - forsmak

It will take: 400g of cheese, 200g of herring fillets, 5-10 pancakes, 2 pickles, 1-2 boiled potatoes, mayonnaise.

How to make a pancake cake with herring paste

Fish, cucumbers, cheese and potatoes should be combined in a bowl of a blender and ground to uniformity, or twisted together in a meat grinder. Fill the mixture with mayonnaise. Pile the pancakes on each other, greasing the cooked pastry, sprinkle the cake with cheese and bake in the oven.

You can also cook a pancake pie with liver pate in the same way: put the liver with beef or veal with onion until cooked, add the boiled eggs and chop, pepper and salt, season with mayonnaise.

and soft cheese

Composition7-8 Blinders , with a diameter of ~ 20-22 cm,salmon or trout slightly salted - 200-250 g,

  • soft cream cheese (such as President, Hohland, etc.) - 200-250 g,sour cream - 1-1.5 tablespoons,dill greens


Cream cheese to combine with sour cream and mix well until smooth (sour cream is not necessary - it only gives the cheese a smearing consistency).Cut the salmon into thin strips.Dill to wash, dry and chop.Pancake cream with cream cheese and sour cream.Sprinkle with dill and lay slices of fish (fish can be placed less than in the photo).

From above put the next pancake, also grease with cheese, sprinkle with dill and lay the fish.So, collect the cake, smearing the top pancake with cream cheese.Decorate a pancake cake according to your desire.Ready to put the cake in the fridge and give a little bit of it.


   Thin pancakes - 20 pcs
Chicken fillet   - 250 grams
   Marinated champignons - 300 grams
   Onions - 1 pc
   Cheese - 100 grams
   Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salt, black pepper

Cooking method:

Fry thin pancakes according to your favorite recipe. Fry finely chopped onion until golden brown, add finely chopped mushrooms, season with salt and pepper to taste. Chicken Breast   boil and finely chop. Mix the fried mushrooms and chicken. Refractory low form (for example, a special dish) fill in alternately: 2 pancakes (or as much as needed to cover the bottom of your form), grease with mayonnaise and put stuffing, then again a layer of pancakes and so on. Sprinkle the cake with finely grated cheese and bake in an oven or microwave before melting the cheese. Aslo salt and pepper 2 tbsp. mayonnaise

We cook this way:

Mix eggs with milk and flour. The dough should be like liquid sour cream.Heat the frying pan, grease with oil. Pour a thin layer of dough. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.Clear the hook , cut, fry in oil. Add choppedgr isba   and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Add mayonnaise and cheese. stir.    Mayonnaise, dill, 2 small cucumbers, 200 grams of hard cheese, 2-3 tablespoons. corn, 200 grams of ham, ketchup.

For decoration:
   Corn, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, dill, mayonnaise, cheese.

   Mix eggs, vegetable oil, salt, milk and flour until smooth and fry thin pancakes   in a frying pan. For a cake, you need 4 such pancakes. Take the first pancake. Mix a part of mayonnaise with dill and lubricate it with this mass. Cucumber cut into small circles and put on top. Put the second pancake on top. Mayonnaise mix with grated cheese. Put the mass on the pancake, sprinkle with corn on top. To the top of the third pancake. The ham is finely chopped, add the ketchup and put it upstairs. Top with the last pancake. Cover the whole cake with mayonnaise, which is pre-mixed with grated cheese. Make a decoration on top. You can make animals out of eggs. If the cake is intended for new Year's table, then you can make the dial with the help of corn, cucumber and tomato. You can just sprinkle with small pieces of cucumber, tomato, different colors bulgarian pepper   and corn.


Pancakes are considered an original Russian dish, so it's no wonder that our landladies try to experiment with them actively. The desire to cook even better and tastes better and pancake cake, which is a multi-layered "construction" of pancakes with the addition of various fillings.

Features of the dish

For preparation, fresh or yeast pancakes are used. The number of them depends on your desire to make a cake higher, but on average 20 pieces are enough for it. The filling can be different, and not necessarily limited to sweet options. Using a salty stuffing, you can make a snack on a weekday or festive table.

The correct recipe for pancake cake: 5 secrets

  • Pancakes should be as thin as possible, then the product is well soaked in cream.
  • Cream for a pancake cake should be thick and sticky, otherwise it will flow.
  • Sweet option (with cottage cheese or condensed milk) it is desirable to prepare in advance and give him time to soak.
  • Salty cake (for example, with salmon or mushrooms) is also cooked a few hours before consumption, wrapped in foil and put in the refrigerator. And before the arrival of guests it can be heated in a microwave or in the oven.
  • If you want the appearance to be more attractive, put it on for several minutes in the heated oven brown.

Dough for a pancake cake

Prepare correct dough   - means, to do a good half of the matter. It depends on him whether the dish will be dry or hard. Cook it is not more difficult than fast dough   for pies.

You will need:

  • milk - 750 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • flour - 320 g or 2 cups;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons (it does not matter whether your cake is sweet or salty);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet, if you are preparing a sweet dish;
  • salt.


  1. In lightly heated milk, pour sugar, vanillin, salt, mix well. Add the eggs, stir again.
  2. Gradually introduce flour, sifting through a sieve. When the consistency of kefir is reached, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and start to fry.
  3. Fry the pancakes, cover them with a lid and a towel to keep the edges soft.

Recipes of fillings

When the blanks are ready, you can begin to ask how to make a pancake cake. And for this there are many solutions. Here are the most popular varieties of pancake cake and recipes with photos!

Recipe for pancake cake with custard

You will need:

  • ready-made pancakes - 20 pcs .;
  • yolks - 4 pieces;
  • sugar - 180 g. or 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • flour - 50 g.


  1. Yolks mop with sugar, add flour, mix until smooth.
  2. Milk boil and enter into the yolks, quickly stirring.
  3. Put the mixture on the fire, stirring constantly, bring it to a thickening.
  4. Cool and grease each pancake, stacking on top of each other.
  5. Pancake cake with custard leave to soak for 3 hours.

Pancake cake with curd cream

You will need:

  • ready-made pancakes - 20 pcs .;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • raspberry - 200 g (fresh or frozen).


  1. Treat the cottage cheese with the powdered sugar.
  2. Whip the cream to a dense condition (to keep the pattern on their surface for at least 10 seconds).
  3. Slowly combine cottage cheese with cream, stir.
  4. Add sugar to the raspberries, leave for 20 minutes, then whisk with a blender in puree.
  5. Each pancake with raspberry purée, and topically apply curd cream.
  6. After laying the last pancake, decorate its top and sides with cream, raspberry berries.

Pancake cake with condensed milk

You will need:

  • ready-made pancakes - 20 pcs .;
  • boiled condensed milk ("toffee") - 500 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • lime - 1 piece;
  • walnuts, peeled - 50 g.


  1. Condense and butter mixed, add lime juice, whisk until lush.
  2. Dry the nuts in a frying pan. After cooling, lightly grind them with a rolling pin (not into a crumb).
  3. Add the nuts to the cream, mix.
  4. Sprinkle each pancake with stuffing and decorate with whole nuts.

Recipe for pancake cake with sour cream

You will need:

  • ready-made pancakes - 20 pcs .;
  • sour cream of high fat content - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.


  1. Mix sour cream, vanilla and sugar, whisk to a creamy condition.
  2. Put the pancakes on a plate and grease with cream.
  3. Top decorate with flowers or waves of cream with a confectionery sleeve.
  4. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Chocolate pancake cake

You will need:

  • ready-made pancakes - 20 pcs .;
  • chocolate (milky or bitter) - 200 g;
  • fatty cream - 350 ml;
  • butter - 20 g.


  1. Beat cream with a whisk.
  2. Chop the chocolate and melt it in a water bath, then add the softened butter, stir. Cool and, stirring, combine with cream.
  3. Pancakes to cover with cream, top decorate with cream and chocolate shavings.

These are just a few recipes for a delicious pancake cake. We are sure that after making a couple of them you will have your own recipes of this versatile dish!

Video recipes of pancake cake

In fact, this is a simplified and accelerated version of the dessert, which does not require baking. It is a few pancake layers with filling layers. Well, what is not cake? Needless to say, the Slavs always knew and loved to bake pancakes and cakes, and pancake cakes - tastier than twice! See the recipes with photos in this section and choose the most delicious recipe, in your opinion, to diversify your ordinary tea-drinking with a delicious dish.

How to make a pancake cake

Do you want someone who wants to bake pancakes, step-by-step recipes   with photo? Professional cooks, perhaps, these recipes with a photo to nothing, but for novice cooks and lovers of culinary experiments - just right!

So, "cakes" for a pancake cake at home is easy to prepare, because these are the most ordinary pancakes. They can be prepared from any dough - on water, on milk, on yeast or on kefir, the same can be different and filling. You can cook which you will find in this category of recipes with a photo, and you can use caramel, chocolate, toffee, condensed milk, butter, fruit, berries, jam, honey, etc. for it. It is suitable for almost any filling! By the way, it is not necessary to associate the word "cake" with something exceptionally sweet. Pancake cake may well be salty, if you prepare a filling with, say, cheese, mayonnaise, eggs, chicken, vegetables, mushrooms, fish, caviar, etc. And recipes for pancakes are not always limited to a single filling. Often in the recipe, a pancake cake with condensed milk, for example, is coated with protein cream and sent to prepare in the oven. There are many ways to decorate such a dessert and even effectively serve to the table. These desserts are versatile and easy to prepare, they do not require a lot of ingredients or unusual products, so we recommend them to cook and devote to these recipes with a whole section of photos.

Recipes of pancakes

Do you want to learn how to cook pancakes at a time? Then we give you help recipes pancake cakes with photos, thanks to which you can immediately prepare a delicious original dessert, which can be immediately served to the table. Here you will find a recipe for pancake cake with sour cream, with a custard, as well as with cream or honey cream. All our recipes are checked, and real step-by-step photos, with which they are accompanied, only confirm this. Why not please your loved ones this time, not with pastries but with something new? Pancakes are very simple, fast and delicious! Want to see this? Then welcome to the category of recipes for pancakes with photos.

Pancake cakes have long been liked by many as a very tasty, easy-to-prepare, but spectacular snack. Today we will talk about the recipes for this appetizer, which are the best for the New Year's table.

Any pancake cake, sweet or unsweetened, is prepared simply: pancakes are prepared according to a favorite recipe (for sweet variations of the cake they can be sweet, for unsweetened ones - fresh or brackish), then they are stacked on top of each other and a filling with sauce, or with a cream. In unsweetened variations of pancake cakes, cream and curd soft cheeses often act as cream. In general, the hassle is at a minimum, but the result is the most that is remarkable - a hearty, beautiful and very tasty snack!

Products |

  • For pancakes: Milk - 500 ml.
  • Egg - 4 pieces, oil draining-100 gr.
  • Flour-300 gr, .Sol-0.5 tsp, sugar-1 tsp, soda-0.5 tsp.
  • For the filling: Champignons - 600 gr.
  • Egg - 6 pieces, Ham - 150 gr.
  • Ginger - 30 gr., Mayonnaise - 50 gr., Salt, pepper
  • Cheese - 50 gr.

We cut mushrooms, onions, ginger.

Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. We put eggs for the filling.

While mushrooms are fried, we knead the dough for pancakes.

Mix 4 eggs, salt, sugar, soda. Good whisk.

We add warm milk, melted butter. Beat.

Gradually add flour and whisk, so that there are no lumps.

We bake pancakes.

Boiled eggs three on a large grater.

We cut the ham into cubes.

Cheese three on medium grater.

Mix eggs, ham, mayonnaise, a little salt, pepper.

On a heat-resistant dish we spread a pancake, from above a layer of mushrooms, then again a pancake.

My pancakes turned out to be very thin, and I spread two pancakes.

Then a layer of egg filling, pancake, mushrooms, pancake, egg filling, etc.

Sprinkle the top of our cake with cheese.

We put in a preheated to 190 degrees oven for 5-7 minutes, until the cheese blushes.

Pancakes I bake the most simple. Beat 1 egg with a pinch of salt and 0.5 tsp sugar and 3 tablespoons vegetable oil. Pour in the cold milk. Mix. If I use buttermilk, sour milk, then I add 2-3 tablespoons of starch to flour. And then in a bowl with sifted flour, I pour in a little liquid part. I do not give a recipe. Pancakes can be baked to your taste. The main thing is that they are thin.

And the stuffing can choose any one that is more like it. I will give only examples of the simplest. Variations are many.

1. Boil the meat through a meat grinder + fried in oil onion + greens chopped. Warm up in a frying pan in oil (preferably vegetable), mix well.
   2. Mushrooms fry with onions in rats.massle + dill + sour cream = put out
   3. Fish boiled or smoked cut into slices + onions and parsley ....

In this case, you can add to these basics different vegetables (leeks, carrots, sweet paprika, eggplant, zucchini ..) and even fruits. I like to add sour apples to vegetables or meat. Beef is very fond of prunes, and pork - apples and oranges.

You can choose a couple of different fillings. I chose for my cake as the main one - a ready sprat pate from the can (can be replaced with canned fish, having crushed the pulp without bones in the oil from under the fish), added the fried onions. A couple of layers of greased with vegetable filling of fried in oil vegetables (leeks and carrots).

I must say that usually collected cake is smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise (and also add them to fillings) and put for 10-15 minutes in the oven. I did not do this, just picked up a cake of pancakes and stuffing and put it in the fridge. The next day, before the arrival of guests, there was an unusual snack on the table.

I recommend experimenting with fillings in advance, baking more delicate pancakes. While they are still melted, sandwich cake. Some layers can simply be smeared with sour cream (mayonnaise for lovers) or simply melted butter (which I did). Then crush the cake with a heavy flat dish and put it in the refrigerator to insist. Decorate better with those products that were used in the preparation of fillings.

We need the following ingredients:

Eggs - 2 pieces. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l .. Salt -1/2 tsp .. Flour - 2. Milk. Champignons -800-1000 g. Onions - 2 pcs. Cheese-200 g. Mayonnaise -100 g. Vegetable oil-for frying

Cooking method:
Smash two eggs in a bowl, add sugar and whisk until foam starts to appear. Gradually add the flour sieved through a sieve. Must get a thick dough. Slightly warm the glass of milk and pour into the dough in a thin trickle, constantly mixing. You should get a dough for consistency like liquid sour cream. Frying pan well, lightly oil with vegetable oil. Use the ladle to draw the dough, gradually pour it into the pan, tilting it in a circular motion, until the dough fills the entire surface. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Of this amount of test should be about 8 pancakes. Fold them on a plate and prepare the filling. Onions peel, cut into small cubes and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Rinse the mushrooms, cut into small pieces, put them on a dry frying pan. After 5-10 minutes they will start a lot of juice. Cover the frying pan with a lid and drain the juice. Now add a little vegetable oil and fry for about 20-30 minutes. Salt to taste. Mix mushrooms with onion, cool, pass through a meat grinder, add mayonnaise and mix well - the filling is ready. Cheese grate on a large grater. Start to collect the cake: put a pancake on the baking tray, grease it with a filling and sprinkle with cheese. Above - another pancake and stuffing. And so on, until the pancakes run out. Top - grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Put the cake in a preheated 180 degree oven. Bake for 10-15 minutes to melt the cheese. Wait until it cools down, cut and serve to the table!

Ingredients for "Pancake cake with chicken and turkey":

  • Milk - 2 stacks.Egg - 2 pcs Sa Har - 2 tbsp. l. With ol - 1 tsp.
  • Flour wheaten - 2.5-3 stack.Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Chicken and turkey fillet - 500 gEgg from cooked - 3 pcs Green onion fresh - 100 g
  • Cheese - 150 gChest - 2 teeth. May
  • Recipe

Pancakes: milk, eggs, sugar, salt, flour, vegetable oil (all approximately - the dough should be thicker than usual pancakes). All mix and bake is not thin pancakes. (at me all the same have turned out thinner, than it is necessary, therefore stacked on 2, having greased with mayonnaise)
   Filling: boiled chicken and turkey fillets, boiled eggs, green onions, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise. (Too all approximately).
   Meat and spring onions finely chop, mash the eggs with a fork, cheese grate on a fine grater, squeeze garlic, mix everything with mayonnaise.
   Pancakes stack on top of each other, smearing stuffing. Wait for an hour.

Pancake cake with liver

Pancake cake with a delicate, juicy and awesome delicious filling of chicken liver. Cooking it is not difficult, but it turns out beautiful, juicy and hearty.

For pancakes:

  • 1 egg0.5 liters of milk ¼-½ tea. tablespoons of salt1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar

  • flour 1,5 cups0.5 tea. spoons of hydrated soda


  • 800 g of chicken liver1 large onion1 carrot
  • gt; oil for frying3 table. tablespoons cream or milk100 gr grated cheese for sprinkling

The recipe for a pancake cake:

First, bake pancakes:

Smash 1 egg, add salt, sugar, mix everything with a mixer, pour in the milk, mix again, gradually add flour, stirring well, until the consistency of sparse sour cream

Bake pancakes on both sides as usual. One pancake is better not to bake on one side - put it down, because it is still roasted in the oven when baking.

We need 10 pancakes:We prepare the filling for a pancake cake:

Chicken liver is good to wash, large-cut and sent to a frying pan, if the liver with hearts, just cut them into 2-3 parts and stew with the liver, without forgetting salt:

Onions shred less, carrots three on a grater and add to the liver:Stir, add the plant. butter and cook until ready, add salt to taste, you can add a little black pepper, or can be without it - your choice

When the liver is ready, we scroll it through the meat grinder and get an excellent pate:

Scrolling through the meat grinder, add 3-4 tables. a spoonful of milk or cream-pate will be more gentle and it will be easier to spread it.Then we collect the pancake itself:

I have a round shape for baking, I make a pancake cake in it, but you can use any suitable frying pan by simply greasing it with a raster. oil.

So, take the most pale pancake and put it in a greased form and spread it over the sour cream (you can not do this):and sprinkled with grated cheese on top, we send it to a preheated oven to bake, put it on the baking tray, so that the bottom pancake does not burn

Then we put the next pancake and repeat everything in the same sequence - the last pancake is smeared with sour creamthen top layer of the filling - thin! Well smear it. If the liver is dry - add a little more milk to the filling.


We'll wait for the cake to cool down a bit and then it's much warmer and cuts more easily into mouth-watering slices. And it is very tasty the next day. If I have a little left, I store it in the fridge- an excellent breakfast. It is easier to cut and become denser, you can warm it up a little in the microwave.Do not long bake pancake cake - you can dry it. Usually I take out when the cheese melts and a little brown, or you can even not wait for it to blush, take out the minutes in 10-15.

In this version, the liver is eaten even by children who do not like it. Try to offer them, because it's so delicious!

Snack pancake cake with cottage cheese and garlic, chicken and tomatoes

The recipe for a dessert pancake cake. To make this cake is just a pleasure. It turns out very tasty.

Description of preparation:
   Cottage cheese, cheese, milk are the main ingredients of this culinary masterpiece. The recipe is extremely clear - the cake is made not at all difficult, but turns out to be very tasty and satisfying. Champignons give the cake a pleasant and mouth-watering taste. Many spices and ingredients are used.

  • Champignons - 250 GramsSugar - 1 Art. a spoonMilk - 500 Milliliters
  • Chicken breast - 1 pieceSpices and salt - - To tasteTomatoes - 2 Pieces
  • Green - - To tasteGarlic - 5 ZubchikovMayonnaise - 100 Grams
  • Egg - 4 piecesHard cheese - 200 GramsFlour - 1 Glass
  • Cottage cheese - 500 Grams

1. The first thing we'll do is pancakes. To bake pancakes we need: flour sugar milk and eggs. All this we need to mix. In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry pancakes. While fry pancakes, we must put chicken breast.

2. Now take the mushrooms, the mushrooms are very suitable. We cut them with small plates. On vegetable oil slightly fry them, add spices and salt. It is good to put out the mushrooms in their own juice.

3. Let us now turn to the curd mixture, which we will lubricate pancakes. For a start, we'll rub the cottage cheese together with mayonnaise and pre-pressed garlic. Well, everything is mixed, add black pepper and salt.

4. Slightly cool the ready-made pancakes and get the resulting curd mass to smear them.

5. The lowest (the first layer) - mushroom: we put pancake on top, grease with cottage cheese and serve chicken meat, cut into small pieces. Let's taste a little cheese on top. Next lie the tomatoes. They must be cut in half by the cut ones. Juicy part of tomatoes can be removed.

6. Repeat the layers again. The top layer is best made chicken. Hard boiled, boil two eggs and put them on a small grater. We put the last pancake to the top and lubricate it. Then sprinkle it with hard cheese. Directly on the cake three boiled eggs. We'll give you a little cake to stand in the fridge.

Pancake cake with red caviar and melted cheese

It will take: ready pancakes, fused / curd / creamy soft cheese, red caviar.

How to make a pancake with caviar.

Baked pancakes cool and, lubricating each cheese and sprinkling caviar, lay on each other. On top decorate with red caviar and greens.

You can make this kind of cake somewhat differently: use red caviar for filling, butter, parsley and thick mayonnaise. Lubricate pancakes with butter, sprinkle with caviar and stack on top of each other, and mayonnaise and greens decorate the cake on top.

Pancake cake with trout and cream cheese

It will take: 250g slightly salted trout and soft cream cheese, 8-10 pancakes, 1.5 tablespoons. sour cream, dill.

How to cook a pancake cake with slightly salted fish. Stir the sour cream and cream cheese until smooth, chop the dill, finely chop the fish. Lubricate pancakes with sour cream cream, sprinkle with herbs and fish, stack on top of each other. You can make a cake with fish and greens or at will. For impregnation remove before serving in the refrigerator.

  Pancake cake with oyster mushrooms and smoked chicken and cottage cheese

You will need: pancakes ready unsweetened, filling - 300 grams of cherry and cottage cheese, 1 smoked chicken breast, 1 tbsp each. table horseradish and sour cream, cheese, salt.

How to cook a pancake pie with chicken and oyster mushrooms.

Grind the mushrooms, fry them for 5-10 minutes in a frying pan with butter. Dice the chicken and mix with mushrooms. With horseradish, sour cream and salt mix cottage cheese. Pancakes stack on each other, alternating the filling - one lubricating the curd mixture, the second - sprinkling chicken with mushrooms. The last pancake to sprinkle with grated cheese, take the cake in the oven for 15-20 minutes and bake at medium temperature until the cheese melts and browns.

You can replace the oyster mushrooms. You can also make a mushroom pancake cake with a simpler composition of ingredients: for the filling fry mushrooms with onions, add raw eggs and grated garlic, pepper and salt, mix. Lay out pancakes, each with mayonnaise, then with mushroom stuffing and sprinkling with grated cheese. Sprinkle such a pie with cheese and bake in the oven too.

  Pancake cake with herring paste - forsmak

It will take: 400g of cheese, 200g of herring fillets, 5-10 pancakes, 2 pickles, 1-2 boiled potatoes, mayonnaise.

How to make a pancake cake with herring paste

Fish, cucumbers, cheese and potatoes should be combined in a bowl of a blender and ground to uniformity, or twisted together in a meat grinder. Fill the mixture with mayonnaise. Pile the pancakes on each other, greasing the cooked pastry, sprinkle the cake with cheese and bake in the oven.

You can also cook a pancake pie with liver pate in the same way: put the liver with beef or veal with onion until cooked, add the boiled eggs and chop, pepper and salt, season with mayonnaise.

Pancake cake with salmon and soft cheese

Composition7-8 Blinders , with a diameter of ~ 20-22 cm,salmon or trout slightly salted - 200-250 g,

  • soft cream cheese (such as President, Hohland, etc.) - 200-250 g,sour cream - 1-1.5 tablespoons,dill greens


Cream cheese to combine with sour cream and mix well until smooth (sour cream is not necessary - it only gives the cheese a smearing consistency).Cut the salmon into thin strips.Dill to wash, dry and chop.Pancake cream with cream cheese and sour cream.Sprinkle with dill and lay slices of fish (fish can be placed less than in the photo).

From above put the next pancake, also grease with cheese, sprinkle with dill and lay the fish.So, collect the cake, smearing the top pancake with cream cheese.Decorate a pancake cake according to your desire.Ready to put the cake in the fridge and give a little bit of it.


   Thin pancakes - 20 pcs
   Chicken fillet - 250 grams
   Marinated champignons - 300 grams
   Onions - 1 pc
   Cheese - 100 grams
   Vegetable oil, mayonnaise, salt, black pepper

Cooking method:

Fry thin pancakes according to your favorite recipe. Fry finely chopped onion until golden brown, add finely chopped mushrooms, season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook chicken breast and finely chop. Mix the fried mushrooms and chicken. Refractory low form (for example, a special dish) fill in alternately: 2 pancakes (or as much as needed to cover the bottom of your form), grease with mayonnaise and put stuffing, then again a layer of pancakes and so on. Sprinkle the cake with finely grated cheese and bake in an oven or microwave before melting the cheese. Aslo salt and pepper 2 tbsp. mayonnaise

We cook this way:

Mix eggs with milk and flour. The dough should be like liquid sour cream.Heat the frying pan, grease with oil. Pour a thin layer of dough. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.Clear the hook , cut, fry in oil. Add choppedgr isba   and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Add mayonnaise and cheese. stir.

For decoration:
   Corn, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, dill, mayonnaise, cheese.

Mix eggs, vegetable oil, salt, milk and flour until smooth and fry thin pancakes in a frying pan. For a cake, you need 4 such pancakes. Take the first pancake. Mix a part of mayonnaise with dill and lubricate it with this mass. Cucumber cut into small circles and put on top. Put the second pancake on top. Mayonnaise mix with grated cheese. Put the mass on the pancake, sprinkle with corn on top. To the top of the third pancake. The ham is finely chopped, add the ketchup and put it upstairs. Top with the last pancake. Cover the whole cake with mayonnaise, which is pre-mixed with grated cheese. Make a decoration on top. You can make animals out of eggs. If the cake is intended for the New Year's table, then you can make the dial with the help of corn, cucumber and tomato. You can simply sprinkle with small pieces of cucumber, tomato, different colors of Bulgarian pepper and corn.


On the eve of Maslenitsa - which means that almost every self-respecting hostess should bake delicious homemade pancakes and rest their loved ones or guests who came to the house. Today I want to tell you how to make a pancake cake is a simple recipe that many people like. Be sure to prepare a pancake cake soaked in delicious cream. I have a cream cheese with sour cream and sugar. Funky, delicate, tasty, something like ice cream plombir. If your family does not respect cottage cheese, just make any other cream: or chocolate cream (for example: chocolate ganache). With any cream your pancake cake will cause delight at home and believe, this miracle will become a frequent visitor on your table, not only in the sweet Maslenitsa week.

Agree, sometimes we even bake pancakes and think, with what to give them? And then you do not need to think, a pancake cake soaked in cream is an excellent way of serving pancakes. On top, if desired, you can decorate a pancake cake with grated chocolate or cocoa, sprinkle with coconut shavings or simply grated candy. The choice is always yours. Decide, because nothing complicated in this. And as I always say - longer I bake pancakes myself. And then literally 5 minutes I smear them with the prepared cream, and then it remains only to wait a bit, when the pancake cake will cool and soon serve it on the table. And the home is waiting ...


for pancakes:

  • Kefir - 200 ml.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil -4-5 tablespoons.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 3 items of l.
  • Soda - 1/4 tsp
  • Flour - 3-5 tablespoons.

for cream:

  • Cottage cheese - 400 gr. (I have low fat)
  • Sour cream - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - to taste (I have 4 tablespoons)
  • Vanilla - 1 sachet (optional)

How to cook a pancake cake with curd cream:

I will say right away that pancakes you can bake absolutely any, at least thin on water, mineral water, or, and can be made. It does not matter, all the pancakes are perfect for a pancake cake. Today I baked pancakes thin on kefir and milk. The most important thing is to prepare pancakes, give them a little cool, and only then start to smear with cream.

Pancakes we cook as usual, kneading pancake dough and bake on a heated frying pan, greased with vegetable oil. I bake my own pancakes without even smearing a pan. They are perfectly removed and turned over. It turns out that such a pile of 17-20 pancakes. My family tried a little and while I was baking pancakes - they were doing what they were begging ... I have only 13 pancakes left.

Pancakes are ready, I'll let them cool down a bit, and for now, let's prepare a simple curd cream. To do this, we combine cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar in a bowl. If desired, add a little vanillin for a delicate flavor.

With the help of a mixer, whip the ingredients and voila-the curd cream is ready. It should not be too thick.

It remains only to miss each pancake with a prepared cream, stacking them with a pile.

Here is such a pancake handsome man I turned out. If the cream started to drain, do not worry, we smear the sides of the cake so that the pancake cake is soaked completely.

And now, if desired, pour pancake cake anything. I just wanted to rub the chocolate waffle candy on top. You can also pour a pancake cake with grated chocolate or cocoa. also it will look great cake, if you top it with coconut chips.

Now the pancake cake should be put into the refrigerator for cooling. The cream will become a bit thicker and it will be more convenient to cut it. Here is the cut of our pancake cake - treat our dear!

Pleasant to all the appetite and delicious, sweet, fat Maslenitsa wishes Svetlana and my home!