Awesome recipe  Italian cuisine will not leave indifferent fans to cook something unusual tasty and useful. A huge number of products, a fairly complex sequence of cooking ingredients - as a result of a delicious useful soup. Worth a try…
  1. First, we clean all the vegetables: carrots, celery root, daikon, potatoes, shallots, red onions. With cauliflower we cut only the upper inflorescences, everything else will not be useful to us. In zucchini cut the sides, about 7 mm thick, the rest will not be needed. With sweet pepper, we only need one peel, so we leave it.

When all the vegetables are well made, including beans, as well as pasta, you can serve the minestrone soup hot. As the last touch of taste, drink every dish or bowl with olive oil and smoke to eat!

Its ingredients are minimal, but all taste: leeks, carrots and potatoes. It can be used as liquid only water or, better, pre-prepared chicken broth. Roast the chopped onion, add leeks, carrots and potatoes - it's best chopped pieces of the same one to make the broth thickened, give the onions a few turns, add the broth, some three liters and cook until ready. It is no longer needed, and it is served hot. Soothing recipe of vegetable soup for the coldest winter days.

2. For the aesthetic beauty of the soup, all the prepared vegetables need to be cut into approximately the same size cubes. Asparagus tops are cut by ovals, approximately 1.5 cm, green onions cut into rings, and cherry tomatoes by four slices.

  3. In a soup pot, heat olive oil (1 tablespoon), put red onions, shallots in it. Stir onion until it is soft and clear. Then add the carrots, bay leaf, celery stalks and potatoes to the frying pan, and add salt. Fry 3-5 minutes, stirring well.

  4. Then add water or vegetable broth (the simplest of carrots, celery, onions and bay leaves), put the root of the celery and cook the soup for 3 minutes. Then add thyme, daikon, add water (just to cover the vegetables).

There are several delicious and healthy soups that are thin and help maintain your weight. Soup is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Healthy soups always contain few calories, fat and carbohydrates. Replacing two or three meals with soups and vitamins, you can end up consuming fewer calories. However, soups, prepared from vegetable oils, eliminate the goal. You need to choose healthier options.

Light foods, such as soup, help reduce hunger, which can help you not exceed your daily caloric intake. Weight loss with soups works only when you use them as part of a nutritious diet. According to a study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, taking a low-calorie soup, before a meal can help reduce the number of calories that you take in food. Study participants who ate the soup before entering, reduced the total intake of calories by 20 percent compared to those who did not.

  5. In a separate pan it is necessary to boil the water and boil the red and yellow pepper for a minute, so that the soup does not transfer its odor and does not stain the broth. We put cooked pepper separately in a bowl. Cauliflower is also blanched in a separate saucepan, and then we spread its inflorescence in a separate bowl.

Choose vegetable soup or broth, for example chicken broth, and avoid creamy soups that often contain many calories. Protein helps to control appetite and, consequently, the consumption of calories, which leads to weight loss. Sources of protein protein, such as cornless breast without skin, and legumes contain little fat and are a healthy addition to vegetable soup. Take the soup with protein, like lentils, and replace the dinner.

Here are 7 bags with weight loss to add to your diet. Vegetable soup is one of best soups. It is made from potatoes, carrots, onions, beans and peas. The combined nutrition of each vegetable adds a lot of your diet. Potatoes are a good source of potassium, and carrots are beta-carotene. Onion is known for its antioxidant properties, while beans and peas offer fiber.

  6. Then add the pepper to the pan with soup, after 2 minutes add cauliflower, asparagus and zucchini. Thyme is taken out of the soup. We make sure that the water covers the vegetables. Next, cook soup for 10 minutes.

  7. Add to the soup ringlets of green onions and tomato slices, after 1 minute we put cloves of garlic, salt - and at the very end we add a spoon olive oil. After a minute, the soup can be removed from the plate.

Tomato soup - low-calorie, low-fat food. It does not contain cholesterol and several carbohydrates. This is a soup to eat for lunch or dinner, without worrying about adding a lot of calories. Tomato soup is also an excellent source of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant in red vegetables, such as tomatoes.

Minestrone contains very few carbohydrates and calories. It is made from potatoes, corn, carrots, tomatoes and other healthy vegetables. As well as tomato soup, minestrone offers lycopene. Minestrone is also good for adding fiber, protein and iron to your diet.

  8. From the soup you need to take out the bay leaf and cloves of garlic, after the soup was poured on plates, it can be decorated from above with basil and dill.

Tightly and reliably entered our life. True, somehow one-sided, mostly pizza, pasta and lasagna. But in the cooking of the country, the "boot" is a lot of great soups, first of all - minestrone. This dish in its homeland is almost the most beloved: the Italians, unlike most Europeans, respect dense dinners, not dinners. And it can be easy, and very satisfying, and in the form of puree, and the usual first. the classic is prepared by the different ways. Virtually every landlady has her own recipe. But, whatever you choose, anyone will be approved by you and your loved ones.

Black bean soup is full of food. Vegetables offer the basic proteins and fibers that are needed to maintain your diet. This soup contains very little fat. Most of the soups of black beans are made with onions, carrots and garlic. These ingredients offer antioxidants such as beta-carotene and phytochemicals. They fight free radicals and cancer. Black beans also have antioxidants. These antioxidants are similar to those found in dark fruits.

Chicken and vegetable soup  - one of the best soups that are suitable for your diet. This soup can be eaten. He offers a large number of  protein and fiber for proper functioning of the digestive tract. A healthy digestive system is necessary to maintain your weight. He digests food and turns it into energy. This energy is what you need to do every day.

What is hidden under the name

The Italian names of dishes indicate exactly what is meant by them. So, the mineral is simply soup, minestrin is its light version, and minestrone is a thick, rich version. And not necessarily the density is achieved by scouring, just put as much ingredients in the dish as possible. And necessarily minestrone should be beautiful, otherwise you will get though and tasty, but the most usual

Miso soup, or, a Japanese specialty, made from a wide variety of ingredients. Nevertheless, a healthy miso soup is made with tofu, onions and algae. Algae have all the nutrition of green leafy vegetables, and tofu is a good source of protein. This soup is good for a low-fat diet.

Turkey is one of the best low-fat foods that you have in your diet. In combination with a broth with a little sodium, this super-meal is great for losing weight or keeping it after reaching your goals.

General rules

Initially, the Minestrone classic was prepared very long - up to six hours. In the process, vegetables were cooked almost to the state of mashed potatoes. Modern and hardware, facilitating cooking, reduced the time to three hours, and even less - in the end, it's easy to get a kash-like consistency with a blender. However, several rules are still observed now.

When choosing a soup, keep in mind that even healthy soups can contain too much sodium. Sodium can lead to high blood pressure and fluid retention. Avoid these problems without adding salt to ready-made or homemade soups. Minestrone is a thick soup that is quite saturated, because it consists of many whole vegetables. A true revolution compared to our usual velvety. Our minestrone is accompanied by a small amount of bread to cook tasty food  for lunch. Minestrone is also prepared with pasta, which must be included in the dish, so this is a very complete meal, where all dishes are perfectly combined with the same.

  1. Vegetables, laid in minestrone, are fried, and in many cases also pre-stew.
  2. Minestrone is a seasonal dish. Do not scrupulously follow the recipe and use the expensive, but overcrowded with chemistry winter Bulgarian pepper. You can take something more natural.
  3. In the soup must necessarily be legumes. It can be peas, beans or chickpeas. Of course, preference should be given fresh, but if they are not, the beans are pre-soaked beforehand.
  4. If you are interested in a real soup minestrone, the classic recipe advises you to wipe some of the vegetables, and leave them in pieces: the density will be sufficient, and the whole slices will add beauty and richness.
  5. The paste is taken exclusively by solid grades.
  6. A lot of greenery is a must!

In the classical minestrone there must be at least a dozen different vegetables. It is not always possible to diversify the ingredients so much, but at least 6-7 species will have to be "mined".

The latter is interesting, because it allows us to fill with vitamins, being complete, ideal for those who watch their diet, not wanting to starve. Preparing this is not difficult, but it takes to have a little time in front of you, because the different ones must be cleaned and cut into small pieces.

Ingredients for Minestrone: 150 g of small pasta, 500 g of white beans, 4 ripe tomatoes, 3 carrots, 2 zucchini, 3 potatoes, 1 celery stalk, 1 onion, 2 bay leaves, 2 liters 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper. Composition for the pistol: 4 cups of olive oil, 1 pile of basil, 6 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese and 4 cloves of garlic.

Delicious minestrone: recipe with photo

We proceed from the fact that we only have dry beans. A glass of beans is poured overnight with water, and next morning it is cooked for two hours, until completely soft. Non-evaporated water merges. According to the kochanchiku roman and radicchio, a large bell pepper  and a blue onion are cut and cut for a quarter of an hour. The broth is decanted, the vegetables are scraped. The onion bulb is finely chopped, the carrot rubs; of them are roasted. Greenery - parsley, onion and dill - are crushed. The 200-gram camembert head is cut into cubes. In two liters of broth vegetable mashed potatoes are put; After its boiling, roast beans and beans are introduced. Minestrone once again brought to a boil, after which cheese is added with herbs. Almost immediately after stirring, the pan is covered and removed from the fire. A quarter of an hour of insistence - and dinner is ready.

Start with the white beans, which you will need to whiten before you turn on the beans. Carefully cut out everything. Then fry in olive oil, onion, zucchini and tomatoes, before adding them to two liters of water flavored chicken broth. The mixture is left to simmer for an hour, and pasta and a pistol are added at the end, which will give all the flavor.

This Italian minestrone soup is a terrific recipe - like many italian Recipes, which you will say to yourself: in the winter we love it as the main dish, because it warms, soothes and nourishes its starchy foods, in the summer we also love it, because it is very small in fat and burns well in hot weather. The contrast of its colors and the density of its various ingredients make it even more interesting: it crunches and melts, it literally bends the taste buds! We just need to prepare a little to prepare it, because we have to let the beans soak 8 hours ago.

Classic with bacon

Do not forget that minestrone is a very "democratic" soup, and among the recipes you can find one that suits everyone. Including the one who prefers meat dishes. With bacon minestrone is especially tasty. To create it, 100 grams of bacon are cut into cubes and allowed on vegetable (preferably olive) oil. When "fat" releases fat, crushed two bulbs and a garlic clove are poured. As the roast gilds, it is transferred to a pan and is complemented with chopped four stalks of celery, a medium zucchini, a hundred grams of fresh beans, two tomatoes, an asparagus (about 4 pieces) and bulgarian peppers  - for beauty is taken one red, the other yellow. Without the addition of liquid, the vegetables are stewed until softening, after which a half liter of broth is poured in or hot water, and cooking continues for another 20 minutes. Shortly before the plate is cut off, the minestrone is flavored with chili, chopped, salt and any herbs.

Preparation: 8 hours to: 5 minutes 20 minutes of preparation

She works directly with Thailand and Italy, a small team of eco-enthusiasts. Go see their site, the story is beautiful 🙂. But you can also add separately ingredients, or just some, contained in this package!

Ingredients for Minestrone Soup of 4 people

  Preliminary preliminary conclusions. At least 8 hours before the preparation of the soup minestrone, soak the Tuscan minestrone in cold water and let stand all the time. Do the same with legumes that you choose separately if you buy them elsewhere.

Minestrone with Pasta

Everyone knows how much Italians love pasta. Not surprisingly, they are prepared with soup minestrone. The recipe is classic with pasta embodied in life in several stages:

  1. The leek is bigger and two celery stems are cut into thin slices.
  2. Two carrots are cut with straws.
  3. The medium-sized squash is cut into small cubes.
  4. All components are added to a large saucepan, half a glass of string beans and three tablespoons of olive oil are added to them.
  5. The container is placed on the fire; when it starts to hiss - closes the lid, the fire is screwed. Extinguishing is conducted for 15 minutes, with periodic shaking.
  6. Add water or broth, about one and a half liters, a can canned tomatoes, thyme, pepper, fresh basil and spicy herbs - and again under the lid for half an hour.
  7. The final touch is a can of canned beans along with juice and ... pasta.

After ten minutes of cooking, the soup is poured into plates, crushed with grated cheese and chopped parsley and is eaten hot.

Cut the sliced ​​vegetables into small cubes. In a frying pan heat the onions and bacon with a little olive oil. Then add chopped garlic and fresh tomatoes, cut into pieces. Salt and pepper if you like it. And let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Then rinse the legumes in the retina and pour them with a mixture of pots and fresh vegetables into a large pot. For example, a pressure cooker without a lid or a cast-iron pot. Then pour a liter cold water, the grass of Provence and a little salt. Finally, bring your minestrone to a boil and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.

Mushroom Italian soup

One more wonderful minestrone! The recipe with a photo and a detailed description of the technology of cooking will be presented to your attention right now. So ... The owners will need to soak in advance and boil half a cup of beans. A two-liter pot of water is placed on the fire. While it boils, potatoes, carrots, half a vegetable marrow, an eggplant and a large tomato, grams of a hundred fresh mushrooms, and as many pumpkins are cut (not too large). All this is laid out in boiling water, supplemented with green beans and fresh peas (half a glass), and after boiling it is kept on the stove for a quarter of an hour. Then the bulb is shredded in half rings, garlic cloves are plates, and a little white cabbage is straw. All this is poured into a saucepan, the soup is salted and flavored with spices: marjoram, basil, oregano, chaiber. After another 15 minutes, a fine paste is poured in - about half the glass, and a spoonful of olive oil pours in.

  When the pasta is ready, the minestrone is immediately dispensed piece by piece, freshly prepared pesto sauce is added to it and you can start eating. A bright, fragrant and incredibly tasty soup will surely suit your loved ones. Bon Appetit!

Add some water, if necessary during cooking, or the broth will not be.

When you serve your soup from minestrone, you can add a little parmesan if you want and suffer, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Or some small toasts toasted and garlic.

Pamper yourself and be careful not to burn yourself, it's very hot! Who does not know Minestrone, the flagship of Italian cuisine? Minestrone literally means a big soup. Soak dry white beans and boil in unsalted water for 1 hour. Slice the onions and garlic and saute in oil, add pancetta or bacon and saute for 2 minutes.